Some new pics Dial up be very afraid....


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana


other side

new additions

Not new just a nice shot

and of course...

almost ready to come home...6 weeks... 3 more to go

an early shot


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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
the striped fish are a pair of Bangaii Cardinals. I am hoping that they are a male/female pair as they are easy to breed in captivity. The male is a mouthbrooder so I am hoping. They hang out together so here is hoping.

Stats...tank has been up since dec/05 120bls or so of marshall island live rock on a 6 inch deep sand bed. equipment is, two seio 820's an old aquaclear hob filter for water movement and carbon. a Aqua Remora pro skimmer and a 48" current usa outer orbit light(2x130w dual actinics and 2 x 150w mh) No sump YET...
livestock....frogspawn, torch, candycane/trumpet, toadstool, cabbage, favia, hydnophora,montipora digitata, purple and orange, bali slimer, open brain, tube or scroll coral, along with numerous mushrooms, blue/red/green/ pulsing xenia, alien eye zoas, green palythoas, green star polyps, hairy mushroom, a t.crocea and t.derasa clam, black cuke, peppermint shrimp, sally lightfoot, snails of all sorts...yellow tang, pair of percula clowns, pair bangaii cardinals, 6 line wrasse, coral beauty, diamond gobie

the 20 has a new pygmy angel, citron gobie, wheeler gobie along with a tiger pistol shrimp, skunk cleaner shrimp & peppermint shrimp. This has a frogspawn, a sinularia, a toadstool green star polyps and mushrooms all over 50lbs of live rock,a cpr bakpak2 and 65w pc light.

I can't add another thing so now I will sit back and monitor everything.....thanks for the compliments.......

Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
lorna, i love the look of ur tank i hope when i get my tank it will one day look as cool as yours : )

o and i forgot to ask what kind of fish are those black and white striped ones? theyre awesome!!!

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Ares.....any good at sexing those Bangaii? We were trying at the lfs as I know it has something to do with the slant of the mouth but not much else. I just figured that these two were a pair as they stayed right close to each other away from the others......and had been that way for the couple of weeks they were there.....


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Flowerkid said:
that is a tight tank man but do you have ne pics of the 20? i am curious to see that because i am in the process of a 29 so any help will be very apreciated.

there is a pic of my 20g in my gallery I believe but here is an older pic....