some people really stink

Dec 8, 2004
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yah so today at work a man brought in 2 calico fantail goldfish and a powder blue gourami- he had found them in the dumpster behind his house- in the same tank, no filter, no heater. we usually dont take in animals from outside sources but this just really sucked so we took all three fish and they're now in quarantine in our hospital tanks (goldfish are now separated from gourami). all three are doing just fine. i just thought i'd share that unfortunate/fortunate story with you guys.

Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Yes thumbs up for taking it in. I hate the people that go to the fresh section and say "Ill take some of these", then walk over to the salt section and say "Ill take that one". For the same tank. Its a NO, so sorry, but you cant just stick salts in with fresh fish! And then theres the people that... ehh... nevermind... ;)

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yeah, one time i was at a local fair and this guy i knew won a goldfish and thought it would be funny to swing it around, it was making me sick watching this, and i offered to take the fish and put it in my pond and give it a wonderful life... he then started wacking the bag on the curb, and then held it up and said "you want it now?" and the fish was half dead, and a hunk of his side was missing, as the fish still trying to swim around.. yuck, i was sick to my stomach, and kept thinking about if several days after... i think some people dont see fish as "real" pets... but just because there not big and cuddley doesnt mean they are not a living thing! thats just my opinion... but im also the type of girl that when i come home late at nite and i would happen to see a pincher bug or somthing scurry across the floor, I put a cup over it, label whats under the cup, and write a note for my dad to catch it and let in go in the yard the next morning... my family probley thinks im nuts when they wake up and see a cup upside down in the middle of the floor... lol

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
gosh, some people make me sick, how would they like to be swung round in a bag and be beaten up then left to die !!!! :mad: i hate it when these fairs have fish as prizes, because its pretty obvious most people are going to kill them or torture them :(

Dec 8, 2004
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yah- update on the fish- two goldfish are doing fine so far. unfortunately, the gourami got ich, and someone i guess didn't know it was a fish from a different source than our usual provider put the fish in with our other gouramis and now i think the whole tank has it. ich is easy to treat though, and we're doing that right now so they'll all be fine.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2005
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Sounds like you and the fish are bonding...think that you are going to be able to sell them now? ;) Aahh, what's a few more tanks at home!!

and kudos to the guy that took a few hours out of his day to save "just a fish!" Both of you deserve a pat on the back *thumbsups

(my very first fish came from a carnival, and he/she lived for years)

Dec 8, 2004
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lol- i've adopted way too many fish since i've started working at a petshop... anytime a fish gets sick, i take him home to treat him, and then i kind of never return it to the store :rolleyes: ... to the point where my parents are getting a little unhappy so i might need to stop... *twirlysmi


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2005
I know a guy here at work who had a clownfish in his freshwater tank. Said it would sleep with it's head pointed downwards, thought it was "kinda cool".


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
What kind of sick, twisted, psycotic moron does this to animal?!?! Does it occur to any of those idiots that fish are living creaturs too?!?! What is the deal with people, what exactly was that guy trying to prove by smacking that goldfish around like that!?!? Those guys are worse then Wal-Mart! And dosen't that guy with the clown fish read!! He'd have to be a total nitwit to put a saltwater fish in a freshwater tank!! Surely he's seen Finding Nemo! Just because fish live in a different enviroment then ours dosen't mean that we can treat them like dirt!!!!! *ALL* But great job on taking in those three fish, I hope their ich gets better. My friend Andrea just told me that once she went to the (now closed) Animal House pet store and saw a fishe that she really liked and after the worker got it in it's bag he started swinging the bag around so that there was a little whirlpool and the poor fishb was stuck tot the side by the force of the water. The fish died, of course. Sheesh! What kind of world do we live in?!?! :mad: :mad: *ALL*

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
gud gosh !!!!! well done on keeping those fish living !!! GRRRR it really peks head when people do stuff like that, like today, i saw my mates trying to kill the goldfish in the sicience lab, they were putting some acid for experiments in and a glue stick !!!!! how sick is that, and how can anyone find it funny ??


Large Fish
Jul 6, 2005
DePere, WI
That is awsome that you took those fish in, and fantastik that the guy took time out of his day to help out a few unwanted fish. And I hope the gouramis are ok. Preggo, I hope you stoped talking to that son of a.......ya know. Recently there was a fair in Depere here that were giving away goldfish. I had quite a few people come into work and say that theirs died over the same weekend they received it.

Dec 8, 2004
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well update on them: we have the goldfish still- they're actually living in our plant tank now because we dont have another "for sale" tank set up for them. they're REALLY happy hiding around in there. i believe the gourami was sold to a very regular customer who definately knows what he's doing- we see him come in for fish stuff all the time so he found a good home. the ich is gone and of course they passed quarantine. yay!