Some weird goings on in my tank!!


Small Fish
Feb 23, 2004
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Last Night i noticed all sorts of weird stuff growing out of my sand!

I have a really tiny feather duster that has started to sprout up!

It looks like a Cluster Duster - Filogranella elatensis

Is this normal with Live sand!?.. and should i leave it in the sand or transfer it to a rock?..

I have also noticed i have little chunks of live rock in my sand and these have started to sprout bright red Trumpet things off them! what could they be!?.. i have serached and can't seem to find any info!!

My Ammonia is 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10ppm
Temp 25C
SG 1.022

i am also getting a light dusting of Algae on my substrate and base rock, its a caramel brown colour and is very very sparse! is this the dreaded Diatom!?...

Also i have 2 pieces of rock that was sold to me as grotto rock, i can't find any info on this it looks like lots of small black rocks stuck together to make a big rock (Lave Rock)! This is getting purple-pink covering growing on it!!

I'm sorry i don'y have a digital camera to post pics but if anyone could help shed some light i would be most greatful..


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
This is what's so good about live rock sand. If the feather duster looks happy on the sand, and it presumale is to grow there, leave it there.
The bright red trumpets could be primary polyps , or more likely chordates, or algae. Tough to say. I have a bunch of things that sound similar except the have bright pink tips

Yes sounds like diatoms.

Seen grotto or spaghetti rock, don't know much about it. If it's growing coralline thats good, and will continue as long as your calcium and strontium stay high (> 8 dh Ca++)


Small Fish
Feb 23, 2004
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what do you recommend about the diatoms!? Shall i do 15 - 20% water change!? I was planning on getting a clean up crew soon! Will these eat the diatom!?..

I searched on Polpys and it seems like they are the start of the polyps! Are these good to have!?.. i know they look way cool!

I noticed aswell that the sand has had a lot ov movement in the past 2 days! I don't think its the fish! What else could it be!?...:confused: bocephous/

they look like these without the open fan on the end! And they are very very small!! They are growing in about 6 places in my tank!?!

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Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Do not do a partial water change. How long has your tank been set-up? Diatomic algae blooms are quite normal for a newly set-up tank. Make sure there are no phosphates in the water you use. How big is your tank? If its large enough a Kole Tang, or Chevron Tang could consume the algae.

Your clean-up crew will not eat your diatoms.

The sand could of been stirred up by the current the filter is making.

The fans could be feather dusters.

Good Luck, Sam Reef
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