I know this question is asked over and over again, but I am curious about filtration capacity/stocking levels.
Roughly I have:
37 fish
25 shrimp
5 snails
in my 36 gallon bowfront tank. According to AqAdvisor my stocking level is 123% and filtration capacity is 69% with 35% water changes needed.
I'm a firm believer that the stocking level depends on the fish and the plants. But maybe that's not true? At what point would you know that you are overstocked, deaths? Dirty water? Inactive fish? I know fish will just deal with small spaces, which of course may lead to their death, but it'd be near impossible to tell that way. And it'd be one thing to have 37 neon tetras versus 37 clown loaches (just throwing random names out). And then 2 plants versus 10 plants in your tank will drastically change things.
So is there really any key things to know/look for with stocking levels and filter capacity? Or should you just always buy a filter that is x amount of gallons above what you have? Or do so many more water changes if you have overstocked the tank? I was looking to upgrade my filter later this fall anyhow so it won't be an issue anymore if it is based on the filter.
Also my ammonia has always been 0, nitrite was .1, now 0 and nitrate at its highest was 20, now 10ppm. Plants balance everything out?
Roughly I have:
37 fish
25 shrimp
5 snails
in my 36 gallon bowfront tank. According to AqAdvisor my stocking level is 123% and filtration capacity is 69% with 35% water changes needed.
I'm a firm believer that the stocking level depends on the fish and the plants. But maybe that's not true? At what point would you know that you are overstocked, deaths? Dirty water? Inactive fish? I know fish will just deal with small spaces, which of course may lead to their death, but it'd be near impossible to tell that way. And it'd be one thing to have 37 neon tetras versus 37 clown loaches (just throwing random names out). And then 2 plants versus 10 plants in your tank will drastically change things.
So is there really any key things to know/look for with stocking levels and filter capacity? Or should you just always buy a filter that is x amount of gallons above what you have? Or do so many more water changes if you have overstocked the tank? I was looking to upgrade my filter later this fall anyhow so it won't be an issue anymore if it is based on the filter.
Also my ammonia has always been 0, nitrite was .1, now 0 and nitrate at its highest was 20, now 10ppm. Plants balance everything out?