Sorry it's been awhile since I've been on


Large Fish
Jul 26, 2009
Just to bring you guys up to speed I went on a trip for awhile and my GF was left in charge of my 20g, I have lost my marimo ball aswell as my dwarf gourami and 1 of my danios.

as a way to make it up to me she bought 3 barbs I don't know what kind or if they are really barbs 1 is all black and the other two are silverish with black dorsal and side fins with the lower fins being orange all 3 have fancy fins.

my plants are doing super well, the wisteria has taken over the whole tank.

I'll be taking some pics soon for you guys since I plan on finally getting my bristle nose pleco sunday and maybe some other schooling fish and maybe a shrimp or 2.

also my GF is finally gonna let me help her set up the 10g, gonna put the 3 barbs in there and not sure what else, but I'm sure I'll be putting some wisteria in there just to clean out the 20g.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
sorry for the bad news dude.
sounds like you did have some positive stuff happen while you were gone.

When you do post pics, id be interested in seeing a pic or two of these "mistery barbs"

you should just put 2 more barbs into the 10 gallon and have a total of 5 with some shrimp. barba would function better and be more happy in a group of at least 5.