sparkling gouramis

Jun 25, 2003
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i just want to know if anyone has any experience with sparkling gouramis (are they hard to keep, what kind of behavior, susceptible to disease).

if so, do you think a sparkler and a blue could live peacefully together?

i need a few opinions because my lfs has a few in stock and they're quite a hot commodity...

Jun 25, 2003
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i know i was suprised they had them. they're very tiny though, only about half an inch. BEAUTIFUL fish though.

i've been doing a little research, and it looks like they only get about 1 1/2 inches long. my concern is that the blue would snack on it since it's so small right now.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Beautiful little fish. I loved mine. Stay small kind of agressive. Depends how big your blue is, he might like him for a snack, but they love having lots of tank space around. Most are wild caught, although they have been known to captive breed, but its difficult. They like densley planted tanks, with some sort of floater at the top, and if you have them, lots of crypts. Some with leaves that reach to the top of the water would be best. Ask around for feeding them, some do not take prepaired foods. Otherwise, a joy to keep, I highly recommend them.

Jun 25, 2003
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well thanks everyone!

I went ahead and bought 4 of them. they're really tiny right now, but that's okay because they're finding good places to hide. the big blue checked 'em out but didn't seem to be making any move to eat them so i think i'll be alright. I don't think he could catch them anyway. they're super-fast.