spawning neons !!!


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2010
*celebratethe up side : neons are spawning and I got a good deal on a nice big piece of " bog wood" . :( the down side: have been wrestling with a blue green algae problem. lowered the light out put in the tank cause I noticed the stuff was growing higher in the tank strata. hopefully it works without being detrimental to my plants ( they've been doing awesome). I read somewhere on line that BGA is really bacteria an can be treated with erythromicin without harming good bacteria populations because one type are gram neg and the other is gram pos bacteria.anyone know anything about that.

Feb 27, 2009
The antibiotic may work. When I used it, I saw no spikes in ammonia or nitrite but my tanks are all heavily planted so the plants may have processed any increase that the beneficial bacteria could not handle. If you do go the antibacteria route, keep up with testing to make sure your plants can handle the extra ammonia output.

The reason the cyanobacteria will grow toward the surface is that it can fix (consume) atmospheric nitrogen.

Congrats on your fry!

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Yup, blue green algae is AKA cyanobacteria. OrangeCones recently diagnosed it for me in my 5g! Lowering lights and cutting down on feeding may help, but it is really nasty and persistent stuff. Let us know if you try the erythro - I'd like to know how it works for you.
Are you going to try to hatch the fry?


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2010
no fry yet just eggs in the java moss. Ill let them be in hopes that in a month Ill see one or two new neons in the tank. my tufts of java are pretty big so its not to far fetched to think a couple of little guys could survive the gauntlet of fish that are in the tank. let nature take its course so to speak. I will see about the meds this weekend and let you know the results , thanks for the advice