
hey guys,

justt hought i would pass on, last nite mon 01 nov, at reef hq the corals spawned, always in november after a full moon, so the GB reef would had done the same, the day me and the cook went to reef HQ, the divers ( will post pic ) were putting silk floating bags over curtain types of corals, we had different ideas why, spawing was one of them.

i guess these will go into that spawn tank for testing as the sign said, they were spawn from reef hq.



Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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naw its just something highschoolers in america do their last year(senior) in highschool before they go to college, sometimes also done in college as a year abroad, I went to the amazon for a month on a archaelogical(sp?) dig for mine, there lots of fun.