Specific gravity.?

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
Do you guys think that a change in your salt level can stress fish? A change from like 1.026 too like 1.023. In a matter on like one hour? would this afect fish and couse them to stress? I lost a green chromis while lowering my salinity. I mean its one damsle but just wondering. thanks. and same goes for temp flucuation? like 80-83 and back. would that stress fish?:confused:

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
I measured my specific grav tonight before adding 4 gallons of much needed top up (unsalted) and it was 1.026 highest its been.
Added top up it was back to the 1.024 I try to keep it at. My fish often go through this routine fluctuation and seem no worse for wear.

Yamaha you missed a great buy a fish out of a bag hour at Pet Extreme a few weeks back. I managed to get a Blue faced Angel for $15. He's gooooorgeous! Glad to see you didn't disband your tank. Hopefully things are a little less hectic for ya now *thumbsups

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
Thank you, actually. lol. I dodnt want to realy tell you guys becuase you will kill me.( cuz its a chain store) But I work for PetExtreme(in aquatics) lol. So Rocking there is another buy out of the bag sale on the 14'th and ill be working it, lol. I hope to order some fishies for me. ya you ccan get some sweet deals man. But if you want more fish or supplies Rocking i can get everything 25% off. so any way. back to the salt levels...lol

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Really? Wow that's awesome man. How long've you been there? Wait a minute. Were you the guy that I was talking to, asking about silversides a week or so ago? Small world man. Oh, I also got chatting that day with a girl who said her family own a fish store in southern cali, and she has moved up here for college and is applying for a job, also in aquatics at Pet Extreme. She seemed to know her stuff about fish, and was as cute as hell. I was wondering if she got the position too. I Hope so.
So theres another fish in a bag day coming up huh? Excellent. I'll come in and see ya man. Just listen out for the english accent *thumbsups
Oh and if you get hungry working there, check out Chili's resturant across the road. My wife works there and here name is Rose. She'll hook you up.
Damn it's a small world *SUNSMILE*

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
lol, sweet deal, ya stop by man. im tall as hell 6'4, youll see me. I dont think this girl got the job?? or she hasnt come on yet? but I think were cool. ya im still learing a lot(especialy about fresh water) any way see ya crickit. thanks for the post guys..


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
No, I don't think that sort of drop will be a big problem. I'd rather go slower, but when I hypo my fish for ick I take them from 1.025 to 1.009 over 2 days tops.
Fish can handle decreases in salinity much better than increases


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would agree it's a bit quick but I don't think the salinity change would take them out, especially if it hasn't harmed the inverts. What's perfect? What else is in there?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OK, of the other fish that came in with that one how many are alive.

How long are other fish living in your tank?

How long was it in the shop , QT'ed for? Did it ever eat? How big? Did it seem bright, perky or did it have clamped fins and so on.

Fish don't just doe for the heck ot it, and I doubt the salinity change killed it