

Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
ok, i live google and i searched for it. i only found a thing called a preditory spider thats a water spider of sorts. but thats the closest i got ovver an hour searching. its small brown hairry and it looks exactly like a tiny tarantula, i was hoping someone could help me


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
ok i am lookin at him now, he is ver skiddish, on very still long close look, it is not the spider, it is howver a very small hairy crab about the size of a nickel more so than quarter, he wont come to the light, just to the shaddows, and moves very slow and one foot at a time and walks sideways. as for a pic my batterys are deadin cam plus hes too small and my camer sux. i will try when i get batterys, plus some pics of my diy internal sump overflow.
witch btw is working awsome, a real difference in clarity curremt and now the is NO haze on the water surfface


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
ps anyone tell me what the best deal is on moon lighting, preferabbbly not blue but more like a light greyish blue. like real moon light, not just bloooo
and if yall hant figure as being my b-day and im 22 im a lil bit out of it so excuse the spelling


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
i just ordered my lunar lights and the 32 watt pc retro kit for 79.97 and 9.99 shipping, i cant wait till i get the lights then i can support some coral.
this tank has cycled now with live rock for a few weeks and all the test are 0. so whats some good starter stuff. also im getting a very little bit ofdiatom alge. what will keep it at bay? its been appearing for the last few days and has stopped spreading, it seems to be under control for now, but i am using ro water and try to keep lights down a bit but cant help to want to stare, so its gonna be nice when the lunars get here! thanks for the recomendation igor. i didnt hesitate to buy it. what are some good 3 watt per galloon coral too? thanks ahead f time