spiny eel and feeding.


Large Fish
Jun 8, 2003
i have a spiny eel and i think its cool, i have had it for over a month now and im just starting to get worried that it may not be getting enough to eat. its a bit skinny. i feed my fish 2wice a day via a automatic timer first is at 12pm afternoon my lights come on at 10 :30am and the other is at 9:30 pm night might light goes off at 10:00pm. and 1nc a week i feed them 1 block off frozen bloodworm mixed with 1 block of brine shrimp, usually on a saturday, also 3 times a week ill feed them a little bit of shirmp pellets and aglue wafers (thoes are mainly for the catfish) and the occasional cucumber. i have tried to feed the eel bloodworm but it dosent seem interested it will poke and prod around my fingers then disappere. i have also tried wedging a frozen bloack of bloodworm/brineshripm under a ledge but it dosent get to it quick enough, once they start spilling up over the ledge the other fish get to it. is there a trick to them.

cheers aron.


Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Visit site
the only thing my eel eats is freeze dried shrimp or krill.right now im useing "Tetra JumboShrimp"in the pink can.it dosnt matter the brand.like i said on my thread feed the rest of your fish then try floating some up under a rock so only he can get at it.its worth a try.everyother day i put 10 krill where it hangs out. my multies get 3 or 4 then the eel gets the rest.thats how i fead my old eel. i had him for years that one also eat frozen brineshrimp. keep us posted.steve

Mar 24, 2004
gainesville, fl
the trick for me is to feed only live foods. i have 3 spiny eels of various kinds...all three will eat live blackworms. two will always eat earthworms (which i chop into thirds or fourths depending on their size), while one will eat earthworms when he's in the mood. only one will eat non-live foods, and he'll only eat certain frozen foods (that one will also eat live brine shrimp, while the other two ignore those). IME, live blackworms are the ONLY thing you can almost guarantee an eel will eat...the best method of feeding i have found is to use a medicine dropper, available at drug stores and intended for giving medicine to babies and whatnot. larger than an eye dropper, smaller than a turkey baster! :)