Split fins?


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
I've got a 20 Gallon (those of you who remember me might remember how I wanted a 55, but oh well) with two fancy guppies, one dalmation molly, and two Kribs. Original stock had three mollies instead of just one.

Everything was fine, then my male molly died (I think Data (one of the kribs) got him). It was fine, I was sad of course but thought that it might have been a bit over-stocked and territory issues had arisen...

Just recently (Almost two months after the first molly died) my second molly died. She was on the bottom, the Kribs wouldn't bother her but she picked on my other molly. No clue why she died, she just started swimming oddly and passed away.

But my main concern is, my Fancy guppies (Japan and Korea)... They seem happy, their color is good, they swim around (stay at the top) and have a grand time watching everyone else. They're active, and overall healthy.

Well, Japan has a split in his tailfin. At first I thought that Korea might have nipped him a bit, but they never fight... They kind of do a whole 'school of two' deal. Now he has another split lower in his bottom fin. It's not like a bite, it's more like the fin actualy sorta split... It's still attatched and works...

I just want to know what this could be? I hope he's not sick or hurt, he's my baby ;_; He somehow got himself stuck between a castle and the tank wall and hurt himself... But he's fully recovered (with much TLC) and now this is happening. Any clue? Could the kribs be nipping? Even though they NEVER get near each other...

Oh yes I have one otto too... Forgot that for a second...


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
That was basicaly the question, if it was normal or not. Sorry I seemed confusing ^^; It was early when I posted that... Or I was feeling sick, I can't remember.

Thanks a lot, I'm glad it's not anything bad or deadly. I was just so worried, Japan is my little buddy.