Spoiling my fish


Large Fish
Aug 29, 2006
New Jersey
Alright, after much criticism, I stripped down my tank and rebuilt it. It includes a maze of white rocks, flagstone, lava rocks, and plants. Also with this, and the loss of previous fishies (RIP my Red Zebra, Ice Blue Zebra, and Elec. Yellow) I got 11 new fish to overstock my tank a bit and make sure they all have something better to do then bully each other. I have from the original, an Acei, a Blue Jewel, a Red Jewel, and a Rafael. I got, an Albino (something), Red Zebra, Elec. Yellow, Ice Blue Zebra, Bumblebee, Big Lipped something, and like 5 or 6 assorted of which they are too young to determine. All is going well so far.

Check out the pics, i tried to get a few shots of the back where I have a lot of the flagstone stacked, but it is hard to see.
Fish Tank