Spone Filter Setup

I am looking into getting a sponge filter for the breeder tank, but i am wondering how to set one up?? The first pair i am going to breed are the Angels, and from seeing how the fry act, they like to explore. So can i get some info, mabey a website or an explination on how. Thanks in Advance!

Nikolas Ignjatovic


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I do it like this, get a sponge filter like the one shown here --> Lustar Hydro-Sponge Filter 3 at Big Al's Online

Add an airpump.

If you're raising the fry from eggs in their own tank, you don't need to cycle, just add tankwater from the parent's tank and some methylene blue.

If you're planning some other way, you will need to cycle the filter if you're raising the fry with the parents or transferring the fry at some stage.