I have a spare Optima air pump and was wondering if it is worth it to hook it up to a sponge filter. Right now I have only have a 350 magum and an emp 280 for filtration so I was thinking that it might be good to set up a sponge. Thanks for the help!
With no tank specs it's hard to tell really, and I wouldn't know anyway, but I do like sponge filters. I run one with an airstone lift and another with a powerhead (reverse UGF). Both work well and don't get as slimy as those in a HOB or other enclosed filter
I don't think it'll make much difference in there, though it's always handy to have a cycled sponge ready to go for a fry tank, quarantine, whatever. I mainly use them in fry tanks where they rule - good filtration, some current and the fry can browse the debris on the surface.
It's nice to have a spare cycled sponge ready just in case you need to do a qtank or a hospital tank. (but in a hospital tank you are going to nuke your biofilter anyway).
Besides. A little bit of extra aeration never hurt any fish anyway.