Sponge filter question

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I have a small 10 gallon freshwater that that currently has a sponge filter in it. I want to add 2 more fish and I am wondering if the sponge filter will handle it. I currently have a beta in there now and want to add 2 or so community fish and maybe a freshwater clam.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
What kind of fish are we talking about. Male Betta Splendens are varied among their temperment. Maybe if you add some bottom dwelling fish, it'd be okay. But just as a precaution, don't add any fish with long flowing fins. (the betta gets jealous).

I never heard of anyone keeping a freshwater clam before.

And lastly, I think your sponge filter will handle the bio-load. Remember that bettas don't like extra movement through water. Good luck.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
How many fish you can have depends on the size of the sponge filter. The smallest common one I know of will handle 3 fish of betta size with no problems. But I wouldn't put any more of a bioload on them than that.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Every betta is different but my experience trying to cohabitate a betta and 3 bottom dwellers did not fare well for the betta. He became agressive with them but they were tougher than him and they bit most of his tail off. I'd be prepared to seperate them if you notice any sign of trouble. :)

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Back when I first started my fresh water experience I had a betta with a couple chiclids and before I knew it the betta had no fins left. So i'm looking for a one or two friendly fish to put in there with him. If it doesn't work I'll just take , Demetri my betta to work. Are fresh water shrimp hard to keep?


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
You want to keep the shrimp with the betta? I have seen posts from people who've done that so just do a search of the forums and you'll find them. I've always been afraid the betta would eat the shrimp, not sure if that's a valid worry though.

I tried keeping my betta with a group of danios and they just stressed him out with their constant games of chase and stuff so he's now in his own 5 gallon in the kitchen window sill where he makes huge bubble nests and lounges on his favorite rock in peace.

You could probably put him with a couple Oto Cats...all they ever want to do is eat, so they likely wouldn't even bother with the betta, and I can't see the betta having a problem with them.

As for shrimp, you may want to try glass shrimp. Don't quote me on this, but they may have an advantage of staying alive due to the fact that they're hard to see.