Sponge Filters


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I will have to admit - I don't understand sponge filters. What are they filtering? I read the instructions for a DIY version and it looks like it just pushes air through the sponge - it doesn't appear to be able to draw water through the sponge to filter :confused: Also while I am at it: What is a "powerhead" used for? They appear to be a submersible pump like I use in my bird bath to make a fountain. Why would you put one in an aquarium?:confused:

Feb 27, 2009
All of my tanks use sponge filters powered by submerged powerheads. They provide the same filtration as a HOB type filter. The output of the powerhead can be completely underwater, or you can direct it toward the surface of the water to make a ripple or splash if you want more aeration. You can also add air to the tank by an attachment. It can pull air from above the tank and mix it with the water it is circulating, acting almost like an airstone.

The powerhead draws water up thru a lift that has been pulled thru the sponge. The sponge collects debris and provides a surface for the bacteria to grow on. When the flow starts to get restricted, usually about once a month, I take the sponge off and squeeze it out in a bucket of used tank water to get some of the buildup off, just as you would with the HOB filter pads.

If you have fry or small fish, they will pick at the sponge and eat the infusoria that collects there. All of my sponges are split in two parts so if I need a new tank quickly, I just attach 1/2 of the 'old' sponge to the new tank's powerhead, and its cycled instantly.

The advantages of a sponge filter with a powerhead vs. a HOB filter to me include practically silent operation. All you have to do is make room for the cord to plug it in. Since my focus is on plants, I don't have to worry to keep the water level high on an HOB filter (more splashing of the water surface means more CO2 is offgassed, which is less food for my plants). I can let the water level drop for a few weeks due to evaporation, and then 'rain' new, colder water on the tank, which simulates the rainy season and induces many fish to spawn.

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Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Thank you! I found a 5 gallon hexagon crystal clear container at Goodwill. I am assuming because it was in the pet area that it is a fish tank and not a waste basket. lol I acquired an extra betta and I am trying to make some kind of suitable accommodations for him. I tried him in with my platies, but he got really stressed - he hid and turned pink. He is now in a bowl and as happy and bright red as can be blowing bubbles all over. I have been using a goose neck lamp to keep him warm and it has been holding steady at 75 but I can't shut it off and so it is only a temporary solution.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
OrangeCones summed it up perfectly. Personally, I've used them in the past when breeding bettas so the fry won't be sucked up by a filter. Also use them to instantly cycle a tank. This week a used one of the double sponge filters to aborb all the floating particles that was the result of a major clean on a 55g. Worked perfectly to catch what the HOB did not catch.

Sponge filters are super cheap and work great.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I do not live close to a good fish store. I have at least two sponge filter bases from the dim past, but the sponge portions are in bad shape. What is a safe generic sponge material to use and where might I find some? I do have a wal-mart and hardware stores handy.
On the buildup of beneficial bacteria in a filter medium, one thing I used to do was keep a layer of glass marbles in a filter. They were under the replaceable polyester filter medium. I could replace the clogged polyester with fresh and not disturb the marbles for quite some time. The practice of rinsing biological filters with tank water sounds workable and will be tried. I also like the hint about splitting a foam filter and replacing sections. How can I cut the foam material so that it fits tightly and looks neat?