Spring is in the Air


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Or water, cause there have several post recently about new krib fry, and this one is no exception. :)

I've had this pair for mabey 8 weeks now? Could be shorter. I've been waiting for it, because they have been digging and chasing for several weeks.

My wife and I were able to watch something amazing last night. Not five minutes after we turned off the lights I was over beside the tank and I could not figure out what in the world the female was doing. At first I thought she was picking food out of the gravel, and then taking back into her clay pot. I said ok, mabey she is getting little bits of food for the fry mabey? Nope. She was sucking up the fry, 3-4 at a time, and putting them into the pot for the night. We watched a good 15 minutes as she done this untill she wrangled all of them togeather in the pot. It was so neat to be able to watch this behavior. As the female was going about her duties, the male kept makeing circles around the parameter of the teritory keeping the lemon tetras at bay. Agian, very cool to witness first hand. This morning they fry kept tring to get out of the pot, but the female didn't want them out yet and kept sucking them up, and spiting them in the pot.

Here is a few pictures of the fry. Sorry for the quality, it was getting late, and the female did not like the flash and kept moving the brood around behind plants making it difficult for me to get some clear shoots. I would guess and say there is around 40-50 fry in total.

Male krib and fry

Male krib and fry

Male krib and fry

Female krib and fry

Female krib and fry

Jun 28, 2003
Visit site
congrats Orion, a cute bunch of little fry you have there!
If you're anything like me with my present spawn you'll feel like they're your own babies and check up on them every chance you have (sad really!).
Good luck with them :D


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I think I only have about 6 or 7 little buggers left from my krib's fry of about a month ago but when I peer at them really close they are really starting to look like little cichlids - the black horizontal line is becoming more defined and they have the cutest little completly formed eyes!
Congrats Orion!!!!! It is so cool to watch them take care of their babies. Even my brother who doesnt give a hoot about fish asks me "how the babies are doing" every time I talk to him


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yeah, I'm actualy thinking of raising as many as I can. Everytime the LFS gets some in they sell quickly. Got a bare bottom 10 gallon with there name on it. :)

This is the first time I've had kribs spawn for me. Most of the time I had either got rid of them too soon, or they died. I never was picky when I was able to find some, so I have brought home some rather rough looking specimens who just weren't able to recover. They are great little guys.

They are out much more today than yesterday, so I'll give it a little more time before I seperate them.