Spring is in the air!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Either that or it's mood music I've been playing lately!!

Turns out that yesterday, all my female cichlids laid eggs (within a 24 hour period of each other....weird).
I don't intend on getting mates for all of these single gals, but for the convict and firemouth I think I will. Might be fun to raise babies again! Anyway, my concern is introducing males to the existing tanks. I know that with very aggressive cichlids you might have to rearrange the decor, or put in dividers, but both the convict and firemouth are very docile fish. I'm wondering if anyone has just added males (or females) to already established tanks with these kinds of fish and what the results were?
BTW, the convict and firemouth are NOT in the same tank if that makes any difference.....


P.S. I suppose I should add that I am 'somewhat' reluctant to redo the tanks....they look really nice the way they are right now!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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I've had this kind of thing happen before, even my saltwater clownfish has laid eggs without a mate.....

Any ideas on the introduction of males to a females already established territory?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Well....I was at the LFS an hour ago and they had some nice male convicts. Anyway I ended up buying one and putting it in the same tank with the female convict. I do believe my lady is in love!!! She just follows him around, no harassing which is great! I was worried because the only spare tank I have at the moment is a stupid 5g tall tank which isn't good for very much.
Too bad they didn't have any male firemouths....;)

Oops....forgot to add that I am going to try that trick you mentioned Doomhed, and add another female at the same time to the firemouths tank. I do believe that fish will be somewhat more difficult to convince!!! (Even though she is a wuss....I think she may just be a stingy wuss!!)

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