Stand Question


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I have this table...thing that's going to be the perfect size for me to put my new 40 gallon breeder tank on, but I'm not sure about if it can hold the weight seeing as how it wasn't designed as an aquarium stand. It's very sturdy, but I was just wondering if I could get more opinions on the issue before going through with it. I'm not sure what wood the table is made out of, but again, it does seem to be very sturdy, and I've had a fair amount of weight on it before with no problems.

Thanks in advance.

May 9, 2010
Well the only way I can think of (if you have enough or any of it) is to put as much weight on it as the tank would weigh first.

I'm sure you probably know the weight of water, but if not it's 8lbs per gallon, so that would be 320lbs.. Plus the decor and substrate that you use. So probably around 380-400 lbs.

But the table does look pretty sturdy. Just my 2 cents *twirlysmi

Hope I helped :)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Is it bad that this table has four legs rather than a continuos box making contact with the ground like wooden stands do? I know I read that somewhere, but can't seem to find it now.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You should see the "stand" I have my 55gal on. It's actually a coffee table with four metal kind of U-shaped legs. I have the tank, about 30lbs of pea gravel and 20lbs of sand, three HUGE pieces of driftwood, plus the weight of the tank on it and it's just fine. I've had it on there for almost 5 months with absolutely no problems. So, I think your table thing will be fine for a 40gal breeder.


Small Fish
Jul 3, 2009
a town in PA
looks good to me.. i would think it might be easier to make sturdy if it has feet rather than a flat box.. i have hardwood floors under very very thin carpet (my landlords choice) and my stand took forever to level on the boards underneath (its a fiberboard flat box ) plus yours is wooden.. or at least doesn't look like crappy fiber board.. you should be dandy :)


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Okay, so I've had my tank on this stand for almost three weeks now with no real problems, other than leveling, but I blame that on my current apartment. It does appear though that the top of the table might be warped, so the tank is sitting on the table like this: (|
By that I mean the table is convex, and the bottom of the tank is flat. You have to tilt your head to the right to really understand that bad visual.

I'm certain it's not good for a tank to sit like this for that long, and since I'm moving in about a week and the tank would be drained anyways, I thought this might be the ideal time to fix the problem.

I was thinking about getting some interlocking foam tiles to put on the table top under the tanks, as I eventually plan to set my 10 gallon on this same stand as well next to my 40 gallon. If I'm thinking about this right, the foam should compress and help fill the gap, as well as maybe lessen any leveling issues I might have in the next place, correct?


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Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Anyone have any thoughts? I read a lot of websites that said do this, and just as many that said don't, so seeking help from the internet didn't really give me a clear answer.