Start-up questions


Medium Fish
Nov 3, 2004
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Ive been thinking about a salt tank for awhile now, but before I decide to invest all the money involved in converting my 120 gallon tank, Ive decided to try it on a smaller scale first.

I know that bigger is better, but i dont wanna dump all that money in to something I may not be able to handle. So what I'd like to know for starters is simply what I need to run a 10g tank.

Obviously I need to get water and salt. Also a substrate, im looking at a bag or two of live sand. I plan on ordering some live rock, is it 1lb per gallon? After that though im stumped. I dont need a skimmer for such a small tank, or a sump, correct? But I will need a powerhead(s), right?

Basically Id like someone to hold my hand and show me some links of what exactly I need. And instead of starting another thread im going to ask this here as well. If I decided to go forward an convert my larger tank over, does this SUMP FOR 200 GALLON AQUARIUM WITH SKIMMER COMBO - (eBay item 230191227614 end time Nov-18-07 18:46:15 PST) seem like a decent deal, or is it garbage?

Its 2am so Im sure I probabally forgot alot of my questions so expect more to come! ;D


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I think 10g is probably too small to start out with. I'd go for at least a 20.

be sure to read through all of the stickies...they are loaded with startup info...but in short yes you have it. For a small tank you won't need a sump or a skimmer, but will need at least one powerhead for water movement/filtration via the live rock. Yes, shoot for about 1lb/gallon of live rock, but trust me that the better quality rock you get the better you'll be in the long dont want to just find the cheapest LR you can find...porus and less dense is usually more expensive because its better quality. You dont need to buy 'live sand' as its not usually live...normal sand is fine and cheaper. Your sand will become alive after awhile.

You didn't mention a refractometer or hydrometer (I think thats the other one lol I'm sleepy)...I'd suggest waiting for a sale at dr foster smith and getting a refractometer. Well worth the investment.

Not sure on that sump...sorry.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Any time you see built in skimmer you should by pass it. Best to make your own sump and add a quality skimmer especially for a 120g tank. On that size skimming is essential.

In your post you say nothing about what you intend to keep in this tank? Fish only? mini reef? This will determine what equipment and the amount of rock you should aim for. If doing fish only then you can probably get away with a smaller amount of rock ( 1lb / gallon) be prepared to do weekly water changes and you can get away with regular pc lighting. If on the other hand you are aiming at a mixed tank with corals and fish you will need more rock as corals don't like high nitrates and need higher quality more water changes maybe even a skimmer and high quality intense lighting.

If you are just aiming to get your feet wet so to speak, then get the smaller tank...add some small fish and inverts, some live rock and maybe a couple low light demand corals ie mushrooms, etc. but once you jump may become hooked and the 120g will soon become a money you immense yourself into the hobby .....welcome to the salty side of life....


Medium Fish
Nov 3, 2004
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for the starter tank im just going to run live rock and a fish or two. yes id planned to get a refractometer i just forgot to write that in.

and the item in the ebay link that is no good? i dont plan on building my own sump, can you point me in the right direction of where to buy a quality one then?

edit: also has anyone ever used this website? Premium Fiji Cured Live Rock: Premium Aquatics Any good? And when it says quanity, does the number you put in refer to how many pounds you want?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I got all of my live rock from Premium Aquatics they have a great selection and will hand pick your pieces for you. You can count on them being reasonable and fair priced. They have excellent customer service and I highly recommend them for any dry goods or inverts....

You can convert any glass aquarium to a sump using a conversion kit that they sell on ebay. You can buy them from acrylic places but they do tend to be expensive....try these guys. - Customized Acrylic Sump Tanks


Medium Fish
Nov 3, 2004
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what do i type in to get the item on ebay? i tried a few key words but couldnt find anything.

edit: also, when i start up a tank, whats the order i should do things? Do i add the sand and the premixed salt water, do i mix in the tank. Should live rock be in before or after these steps? Will it cycle on its own eventually, or do I need to do the dead shrimp method?

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Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
I Say From what i did You can do a 29 gallon starter tank if i can do you , i am sure you would have no problem . if you have not seen my thread its pretty long . look thru it . i documented alot of my plans of haw to do a Starter SW tank and did it pretty cheap . and got the right stuff thou . i paid almost $600-800 now to date thou . buts thats live stock and everty thing . i never had any other extra stuff lying around . hey i never eeven had a fw tank or a fish tank ever before my 29 gallon reef tank . and this place help me out .


Medium Fish
Nov 3, 2004
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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
no, I am talking about a kit to convert a 20g long into a fuge. The kit usually contains the baffles and bulkheads and you just have to silcone them in the overflow and return pump plumbing and away you go.

Just search ebay under refugium