Start up troubles

Mar 10, 2015
So early LAST year I tried to start up a tank. Just a simple 10 gal and planned to put a few guppies which I successfully kept while I was in high school, years ago.
I just had regular gravel, fake plants, a heater and filter both made for a 10gal. Oh and the hood had regular lights. I cycled the tank correctly and used the API liquid test kit. Everything came back fine multiple times but when I added fish they died. I only added 2 and both died within a day of each other and I probably had them about a week. I did not over feed (I originally went to college for a zoo keeping degree, we had a whole class on fish so feeding and cycling is well understood).

So after 2 failed attempts, I decided to completely redo the tank. I wanted lived plants so I got the plant stuff that goes under sand, then sand on top of that. I got the fluorescent bulbs for the hood. Still had the same filter and heater. My plants did AWESOME. They were gorgeous and growing. I cycled the tank, then tested numerous times before adding fish. Again I tried guppies (started with 2), they died. I tried a betta, died.

What is the problem here? Could it be something that API doesn't test for in my water like fluoride or maybe even copper? Wouldn't my family be affected by copper in the water? We do live in Colorado which has a lot of fluoride naturally in the water and my house has it's own well that is used for all our water, obviously. Could it be the well water? I have thought about buying gallon water at the grocery store and trying that but if it won't matter than I don't want to spend all that time and effort. ( I guess I should mention I want to give this tank another go. It's completely empty right now so I'll have to start from step 1). I did try to keep a betta in a 5gal, just to test it. I used about 2 bottles of "betta" water that the sell and the rest I used to my normal faucet water. The thing died the next day. I even kept its own water in there also.

Any tips? Should I just give up?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Could be something in the water. Could be just an issue with the specific fish (sometimes fancy guppies aren't always the hardiest, also true of bettas - a lot of bettas in particular come from pretty sketchy conditions in the store and may not ever be hardy. Other bettas are fine. Usually once you've had the guppies for a while, they are pretty hardy but some are just not hardy right off the bat). So it may just be poor luck. Especially the second time with thriving plants, usually that'll take the place of any cycling shortfalls.

How are you acclimating new fish? Also, do you know how long the fish were in the store before purchase? Newly arrived fish are going to be already weakened from recent shipping. Are the fish from your local store? If so, they should have acclimated to being in water similar to your own.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
kara-, welcome!

How exactly are you cycling this tank? There's 3 ways to establish your nitrogen cycle: Fish-in, fishless by adding ammonia, and the simplest is by using seeded filtration media. Cycling doesn't happen unless you are introducing some sort of ammonia source, testing your water parameters (with API master test kit) until you get the nitrite spike and then nothing but nitrates.

What exactly are your measurements in PPM for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

What I'm gettin' at is, your fish could be dying from ammonia or nitrite poisoning.