Starter Fish?

Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
i know i have asked this question before but i like peoples opinions so what r some good fish to start out with if im thinking about a 29 or 37 gallon tank? i like cichlids but i dont know what type are good starters? my friend has four african cichlids but a couple are pretty aggressive and if i want to put some other fish in there and i dont know if there are any cichlids that are a little more peaceful but still energetic?


Large Fish
Oct 18, 2006
NY, on an island...
im starting my tank back up after like 8 years haha. I had some small plain stuff in there but now I want something different. Theres a tropical fish expert that has a small shop in my town that reccomended me dwarf cichlids. They get along with other community fish apparently so I wanted to maybe see if they get along with some gouramis.

Oct 19, 2006
Southern, CA
well i have seen some dwarf cichlids and i have thot about that possibility but if i do get a fairly large tank i kinda wanted fish that get to be at least 4 or 5 inches, they just seem like more fun than tiny fish lol : P


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
For cichlids in a community tank that are a decent size, you're pretty much limited to angelfish. The african cichlids are just too aggressive, although you could do a really nice tank with just cichlids (and maybe a catfish).

If I were you, I'd aim for a 30g long rather than a 29g or 37g... the height on the 37g in particular is a royal pain (hard to reach bottom, hard to make it so the top doesn't look bare), and it takes out a lot of the swimming room since most fish like horizontal room more than vertical (angelfish would like the 37g though).


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
you could get convict cichlids and keep them with about anything. they can even fend off oscars and beat them in fights. their easy breeders too and not very picky about what they eat. although they can get very agressive when they have babes.
then jack demseys....pacus can be kept with them. armored cat, some barbs. Community Tank Type 8 Cichlids theres some about them.