Starting 29g- need recomendations


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
I just got a 29g tank, stand and hood for 15 dollars, its in great condition, I tested for leaks, no problems light works too. So the next thing I need to do is get some equipment, but my 10g came with everything I needed, so I don't really know what is good or what kind of products are out there. I haven't decided on fish, I just want to get it set up and running first.

I figure I need:
An air pump
Water Conditioner (for the tap)
Oh and I wanted to get a test kit, usually I just got have my water tested at the LFS, but I figure with three tanks in the house it might be worth it to get one.
Anything else anyone can think of please tell me.

For my 10g I just got out and by spring water every week, .99 cents a jug, but I think that I need to find other means of water, the tap. So I want a good conditioner.

Also, I want to do plants, I have a few in my 10g but I would like more in the 29. I really want to get my tank off to a good start, I think I have been real lucky with the 10g but I'm a bit nervous about the bigger tank.

Any product recommendations or suggestions for starting my new tank will be greatly appreciated. I need to get some prices so I can start saving up. I figure each thing will cost a minimum of 20 bucks. I am excited! *BOUNCINGS


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
I'm sorry, maybe my post wasn't clear, um, for my 29g I have nothing but my light hood, and I am looking for advice as to a good brand for my accessories, like what type of filter or brand that would work well for it. I am needing to buy stuff and I want good quality products.

Oops, sorry for misunderstanding. The airpump isn't needed, but is nice to have if you don't have a lot of surface agitation. For a filter, you could get an AquaClear, or a Penguin/Emperor. You need around a 75-100w heater. For a water conditioner, there is basically no difference in them, so I guess pick what you want.

If you want to go full blown planted, you will need co2, 2.5-3wpg of light, ferts, and a good substrate. If you are good with putting together things, AH Supply has some good lighting fixtures. Co2 can be added with Seachem Excel, DIY CO2 (An article can be found in DIY section), or if you have a lot of cash laying around, a pressurized system is the best option. Ferts, I can't go far into this, as they confuse me, but some more experienced members can help you. For plant substrate, ADA Aquasoil, Flourite, or Eco-Complete are the best. I prefer Eco-Complete though.

Once again, you should read the stickies in the beginners forum, and in the planted forum, even in the general discussion. Hope I have helped.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I love my 29 its a great size tank. I have an eheim canister filter on it and I love it. My favorite HOB, if you want to go that way, is Aquaclear. When you decide what you want I highly suggest looking at and/or because they usually have better prices than you can get anywhere locally, even including shipping.

A 75 watt heater would work great...

I hear a lot of good things about using Prime as a water conditioner. Economical and does what its made to do :) Personally I use Big Al's generic version of stress it by the jug. Just be sure whatever you choose says that it takes care of chlorine and some deal with metals too.

Tap water is fine in most areas to use for freshwater...just be careful switching your existing tanks to tap from something bottled because the water chemistry can be drastically different. I personally like aquarium pharmaceuticals test kits...but there are other drop test kits out that work just as well (I'm told...I dont know personally) I would stay away from test they have a bad rap for things like being more expensive per test, going bad faster, being harder to read etc...but of course that is a big generalization.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I agree that the Aquaclear filter is good. I have one on my 29g and it works much better than the one that came with my tank. For my heater I always use Visatherm Stealths (100w for my 29g and 30g tanks). They sell for $30 but if you print out the internet price for the one sold at Petsmart you can get one for $17.

As for using water from a jug you are wasting money. Good 'ol tap water with conditioner will be enough...just be sure to add the conditioner to the water BEFORE you add it to the tank.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
Thank you for the suggestion. Yeah I know for a 10g its wasn't a big thing to use the spring water, but yeah I'd would much rather get some conditioner.