Starting a 55L tank- first time!!


Small Fish
Jun 19, 2007
I orbit around my Betta bowl.
So I bought a 55L (long?*twirlysmi ) tank with some gravel substrate, a stand with a cover as is from a pet store near me. It used to be in one of their displays, so I got a good deal... I think. ;)
I've read the different threads about cycling the tank and I'm definately going fishless there... I just need to get all the supplies first. All I have so far is a filter... I think its a penguin something or other- both fresh and salt compatible. I want to know exactly what other things I should get-
Obviously a heater, lighting, ammonia, testing kit... I'm forgetting things, but I have a list. *SUPERSMIL But what are the better kinds of heater, lighting, ect??? I'm sure to figure that out I'll have to know what kind of fish I will end up with- which brings me to my final question----

I was going to get a bigger/different bowl/tank for my Betta lover-Zeus. I actually came across the 55 while browsing for plants for the fishgod. Would life in a community tank be good for him??? What kind of fish would he get along with? What fish wouldn't eat him, yet still be interesting? I'd really appreciate some/any feedback since this is my first tank- I want to do it right. Well, Zeus has been around for a year or so, but I don't think that's quite the same thing.

Thanks so much!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Tankmates all depend on the betta. Some bettas will tolerate tankmates with no problems, while others would rip them to shreds. The only way to find out is to try it, and if there is any aggression you would have to keep Zeus in a seperate tank. Do not keep bettas with gouramis or any other fish with long flowing fins like guppies or angels. I would suggest a school or two of some type of tetra, and some cory cats for the bottom.

As far as lighting, is this going to be a planted tank? If it is, then you need decent lighting. You need about 2 wpg (watts per gallon) to keep live plants. Any more than that and you will have to add C02 and other ferts.

I would definitely suggest investing in a python, which is really helpful when doing water changes. Other than that I think your on the right track.

May 1, 2007
I have had bettas with guppies with little problem. Just a little fin nippin for the first few days. I would not risk it though. Since you are a beginner I would try your hand at plants just yet. Just go get some natural looking fake plants and use them for a while. You seem to have done your research which I like because most begginers buy a tank throw and fish in it that catches there eye and expect all to go well. After all there fish die of a long painfull death they give up on the while fish thing and tell everyone how terrible fish keeping is. Remember to cycle your tank and get those test kits and monator the ammonia, hardness, ph, nitrite, nitrate, all that good stuff. Also STAY AWAY FROM SALT WATER FISH. It for your own good. They are wonderfull if you are expirenced to keep them, but will cost you big time for all the equipment, fish, and what not if you are inexpirenced. I have been keeping fish for years and still havn't tried my hand at saltwater fish. I'm going to give you a few pages I want you to read before you do anything else. Trust me it is for your own good. As for tank mates I would go with a trio of platies and mollies. Or sowrdtail and mollies. Whether you go with sail fin mollies or short finned or balloon it does not really make a difference. Balloon mollies have the shortes life span do to inbreeding when trying to create them and also run into a lot more heath problems than the other mollies though. Then a few tetras make a nice addition. Perhaps neons or glowlight tetras. Or both. They are both very pretty. I don't like the albino glowlights though, but what ever. Then a shoal of cories. Atleast 6 should be kept together. Same with neons or glowlights. Minimum of 6. As they are shoaling fish. With that set-up your betta should live a long happy live. Given you take good care of them all. I have a good feeling about you and doubt that that will be a problem. Don't panic if your betta is a little aggresive at first. He like most bettas is just making sure everyone knows he is the dominant one. The aggresion will go away after everyone excepts that. With these fish they will except it immedaitly. Don't worry having a dominant fish is good. The dominant betta will not bully the other fish after the first few days. They are not like humans and will not harrass the others with that dominance. Not in my expirence anyway. Now for the sites. Oh, yah before I forget a trio of fish means 1 male to 2 females. All live bearers need to be kept at that ratio. More females is good, but no more males. FYI, guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails are live bearers meaning they have live babies. Like human just in a little different fashion. If you don't want there babies leave them in there and the majority will be eaten. The rest sell or give away. You can save all the babies and sell them if you like. Anyway back to the sites. Oh, also live bearers not even mollies need salt. Just harder water. Ignore it if it says you need aquarium salt in your tank.

They are not long pages. I'm a slow reader and could probably read this in a hour. I'm not saying you need to read it all at once spred it out though a day or two if needed. Good Luck. Hope I helped (and didn't overwhelm you with information). ;)


Small Fish
Jun 19, 2007
I orbit around my Betta bowl.

I'll include pictures asap- I didn't notice them in the store! Is there any way that I can cover it with some sealant to make sure its waterproof and can stand up to the waterpressure of the filled tank?!?!?!

...the chips aren't all the way through...

Is there any hope for me and my "new" tank?!?!?!?!


Small Fish
Jun 19, 2007
I orbit around my Betta bowl.
Help!! There's A Chip In My Tank!!!

Please Help ME!!!

here is my tank

here is the smaller chip

here's the bigger chip

And here's the relation of one chip to the other

Sorry about the crappy pic quality- I'm out of batteries for my camera, so I took these with my phone

Please help!help!help!

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Try filling it up in the backyard. If it holds water, good, if not, just take it back unless you want to spend a LOT of time scraping and siliconing. I keep my Betta in my community with harlequin rasboras, rams, neon tetras, and an amano shrimp, he doesn't bother anybody. For the heater, you need around 5 watts per gallon, and around 2-2.5wpg on lighting if you go with live plants. If you don't get live plants, you can just use stock lighting.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
plants are not that expensive to buy at least what I found. like everyone else said, make sure u get at least 2-2.5 watts per gallon. so a 110 watt bulb would be about perfect. I lack the lighting myself but still keeping my plant alive with lots of work. I got less then 1 wpg. as long as u have the right lighting u will be fine. now with bettas I havn't tried them in my tanks and not sure if I ever will. I love my guppies and not sure how well a betta would like them. and I know for a fact my cichlids would love one for lunch.