hey guys, im back, its been a while since ive been here. well i am starting a new tank and i know some of you might think im crazy but i want to see where it goes. i lost all but two of my cichlids (tank shattered???? while i was at work ) but two somehow survived. they were on the floor dried up, and yet they somehow made it. but anyway i got another 90 gallon, and of course i put them back in but i also added........ here we go- a green terror, a jack demsey, a texas cichlid, a jewel cichlid, a cupido cichlid, a green severum, and a surinamensis cichlid, and i plan to add a oscar and a bottom dweller, if anyone who doesnt want to kill me has any suggestions of one that can handle this group please let me know............ so what do you guys think? they are currently all no larger then 2 inches but i know that wont last long, and i have a ton of hiding places/caves. and plus i am keeping the ph at 6.7, which is around what they all need (which is around 6.5-7.5) idk i wanted to try something crazy. i will post pics soon