Starting a FW tank...


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Kent, OH
We have a 55 that's set up right now with water for a while, when we did water changes in the small tank weve been putting the water in the 55 to help it cycle faster.. Any ways we want to put a beta in there and was wondering what other fish would be good to put in there? Also I need to get a new heater any suggestions? I really like the look of planted tanks but don't know alot about FW.. Anyways any suggestions im open to! Thanks


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Hmm.. anything that's not small enough to fit in his mouth and anything that doesn't look like a betta! haha

A 55's a good size tank for a decent community set-up. Cory cats would look great in a shoal, as would tetras. Personal favourite tetras are pristella/x-ray tetras because they shoal really well and look lovely when they do - their subtle colours really show off and when healthy their fins really catch your eye. If you want something different than tetras, threadfin rainbowfish are small, colourful and surprisingly hardy.. and you can't go wrong with harlequin rasboras.

Keep away from anything massively boisterous... bettas are easily stressed. Maybe some form of dwarf cichlid for personality, like rams or apistogrammas? You could even possibly get a small pleco species - something like a bristlenose that will max out at around 6 inches, to keep algae at bay, or something small like otos. Yoyo loaches would also be well-suited to this size tank - they're relatively small in comparison to a few other botia species which makes it easy to keep a group.

I have kept angels successfully with bettas, however a neighbour had her betta shaken to death by an angelfish which grabbed its tail!

At the end of the day its really down to personal preference, I've only listed a few of my favourites. I've had bettas with all sorts, from tetras to peaceful barbs (such as cherrys), rasboras, guppies (the betta helped prevent a population crisis!) and other livebearers, even gouramis. But as I said it depends on what appeals to you :)


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
Read all the freshwater stickies in this forum, they are helpful and very informative . . . the type of fish you choose will dictate the substrate you should have and the temp. to keep the tank and its inhabitants safe and happy.