starting a nano

hey, im starting a 5 gallon nano, and would like to check stuff out with all the smart people here on the forums. i want to use this fine grained sand. its by carib sea. its called moonlight sand. its inert. would this be okay? i will bekeeping a mantis shrimp in there alone. there will also be livr rock, and possibly mushrooms in the future.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
well i dont know what moonlight sand is but just so you know what the deal with aragonite(what i use). aragonite is a nice very fine groung calcified rock and creates water buffer capacity that you can depend on. when i add 6.9ph water to my 12 gallon 8.2ph sw tank, withing 30 seconds you will not get a varing result in ph. it also ceeps calcium up too, but im not sure. i use aragonite because it is cheap,nice,keeps great buffer, and thats what everyone around this site and my lfs also say use aragonit, mainly for buffer capacity

today i went to the LFS to get a couple snails and maybe a hermit. i got the snails and waslooking for a suitable hermit when the guy suggested an emerald crab. he said they were hardy and would go good in a 5 gallon. so he gave it to me for free... but i sorta kinda dont know anything about them....... i wouldnt call it an impulse buy because it was free and all... but... what do they eat?

EDIT:and yeah ram, i will try to get some full tank shots.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Patience my young friend....................I waited about 4 weeks before I added anything alive to my tank and even then, it was 1 test snail. If you don't have bubble algea or hair algea you will need to supliment his diet. They seem to eat shrimp pellets and I fed mine freeze dried krill.

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yahoofishkeeper said:
been a week exactly. i have freeze dried krill. also since they eat algae could i feed it algae pellets too?
I suplement my EC's with shrimp pellets, even thogh I have plpenty of algae in my tank for them...but please, take it easy with this tank and go slow... it will work out a lot better...not trying to flame you on this...just trying to help ;)