Jul 3, 2004
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I'm starting a new 50 gal tank and I would like to buy somethings to start the tank out with. Live Rock, live sand, crushed coral or anything else that I can get. If anyone can help me out please let me know.

If you have any Ideals that you can think of that I might need to know please tell me because Im very new to saltwater. And want to have a healthly tank.

Im not dumb on saltwater I have been reading up on it for some time now and its time for me to start and I just want to do things clean and healthly. Thanks to everyone on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well...first off, what is your setup looking like as far as skimming, lighting etc? this stuff is important

I'm not sure what "i would like to buy something to start the tank out with" means exactly...but i took that to mean your tank is setup and ready to be cycled...of course, a good start before live rock would be water...

buy LR and sand are easy...go to the LFS for the rock and look around till you find the coarsness of sand you want...if you want sand sand you can get playground sand at the hardware I am sure you know from your reading it is best to add the substrate after you do your aquascaping and establish a stable arrangement for the LR...i would seriously considering putting the rock on some egg crate just for safety sake...i did not do this in my 20g nano but in the new 55 :)D) I will be doing this...learn from our errors and whatnot


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2004
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what aspect do you need help on? I recommend spending some time looking at other member's posts so you can get an idea of the type of maintainance that has to be done on your tank. Take note there are some "sticky" threads on the board. They are the most frequently asked questions and extremely helpful!

I am also just starting a tank, so my personal knowledge is limited, but feel free to pm me if you have questions. Also, there are some really awesome fish experts on this board, so if you have a specific question don't be shy.



Small Fish
Jun 20, 2004
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ah. Disregard my message. For some reason your post was only showing up halfway on the computer... I now realize you aren't a beginner in terms of experience in the way I am. Oops. Well, anyway, good luck with the saltwater venture!

Jul 3, 2004
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To: 1979camaro

I have got the water and the salt already in the tank with a wet dry filter (not sure of name). Its been running for 2 weeks now and I ordered a test kit and I have not gotten it yet (thanks to sellers on ebay). I did put 2 cocktail shrimp in there to help cycle my tank. (some guy told me to do that not sure if that was a good Ideal or not.) I have tested my salt and its ok. ONe more thing will a freshwater test kit work for saltwater. I have one of those from my freshwater tank. thanks for the help so far.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
you will have to read the box on the test kit about whether it is compatable with SW...some are, some will need, at the least, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to follow the cycle (though you might be abel to get by without ammonia)...of course, if you dont have your LR in there already you are going to have another cycle begin whenever you add it from the die off (unless you get some really primo LR I suppose, which probably isn't too likely so that may be an issue for you), but the coctail shrimp is a fine way to go...i personally just throw my LR in there and let the die off do the trick

I highly reccomend a skimmer...I am curious about the wet dry you've got...what brand is it?

PS: what books have you read? Palletta's book is supposed to be the bees knees and the Fenner book is good too if you haven't checked them out...I'll be getting my own personal Palletta in the mail here in a couple days

Jul 3, 2004
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To: 1979camaro

I have not a clue the name of the fliter. All I know about it it was in a saltwater tank before a the guy that sold it to me said it was ok for a smaller tank like mine. I think what I'll do is just go and get some LR and then do the cycle that way. I have not read any books yet but Im got to try to get the ones that you said and read them. Should I buy the LR from anyone online. Because there are no one around me that sells saltwater things. Thanks again for the help.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Im not dumb on saltwater I have been reading up on it for some time now
I have not read any books yet
there seems to be some contradictions here, but...before you do anything more, I would read some of those books. It seems like you are a little shaky on the necessary background knowledge...

i seriously would consider a skimmer, its really a necessity if you are going to be making a reef and still i a good idea if this is going to be FO. The AquaC Remora is supposed to be an excellent HOT skimmer (assuming you have no sump). Maybe you should call the guy and ask him about the filter...what if it breaks and you need a part, etc? then what will you do?? its unlikely, but maybe if you post a picture someone can identify it

should really do the reading before you go any further...though i suppose it couldn't really hurt to add the LR and read while you wait for it to fully cycle...should be a good month or so at least

As far as where to buy LR, I like to go and pick my pieces out at the LFS. That said, if there isn't one around then I suppose you are SOL and you will have to order online. Shipping costs are going to bite you (something to the tune of $50 i imagine) in the rear even if the by the pound cost is less than locally...most anywhere that offers to sell you LR online is going to do it buy the box so I suppose following the 1# per gallon rule a 50# box should just about do you.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would get ammonia and nitrate kits and give nitrite a miss.

I really think you need to get the usual recommended reading and go through it. I like Mike Palettas New Marine Aquarium as a starter. Whan I look at your setup I see crush coral, cannister filters and cycling with shrimp. I don't see skimmers and live rock getting much mention. Your setup sounds like a typical old style lfs recommended setup, and unfortunetly they were not very good, to put it politely. Maybe one in 20 was successful, in the rest everything dies after 2 months and everybody groans 'saltwaters difficult,', when it isn't.
Sorry for my cynicism, but I think you've been misled a bit, though I might be very wrong.

Jul 3, 2004
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Hello again: I have ordered the LR it should be here on sat. and I ordered the Palettas book. I took a look at some skimmers what is a good name to get and what else should I look for when Im buying one. hit me back on this one.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What's the ammonia reading in your tank? How much LR did you buy, did you buy it cured or uncured, and how long will it travel for.
Do you have a way yet to mix up at least 10 gallons of fresh water, because when that LR goes in there'll be one hell of an ammonia spike, and to minimise die off you'll likely have to do some pretty smart water changes, especially if ammonia anything above zero at present.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
just put it in...with the nice growy stuff up where your lights are. thats about all there is too it...after you get it all in there will probably be a fair amount of floaty crap but thats ok...just keep your powerheads running to get water flow over it and use those test kits to see where things need to do a water least not imo...since you are trying to build up the bacteria as much as possible...if you bought cured LR then it may only take a few days or a week to cycle depending on how much dieoff there was...course it could take longer...if you bought uncured you are in for a month or so generally

anyway...guess thats all i can do to help you for now, i hope you put it in the water right away


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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well there are instructins on this site but best thing to do is put it all in at once then do water changes tommorow prolly depending on the amonia readings, ggod luck put it all in and all that stuff good luck