Starting a SW tank, i spose.


Small Fish
Jun 10, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
First off, i would like to introduce myself. I am Joe. im a guy from texas. Not everyone around this area is into horses and cows as one might suspect.

My wife and i have been thinking about starting a full saltwater aquarium for some time now. not just sand and fish, but live rock and such. a full reef if thats what you call it. i know the ways to keep a freshwater tank in safe running order, but saltwater not so much.

I got a book, i been reading up. some things still go over my head, but im learning through research. I want learn as much as possible.

So onto the questions: we currently live in an apartment on the 2nd floor. i doubt having a large tank that weighs so much be in one spot would be a good idea, and plus when we move in late september i dont want to restart a whole new tank and cycle things through. would it be smart to start out with a small 20gal tank and work in some sand and live rock? I just want to get the basics of how to get things "cycled" (if i used the right word at the right time) and i would like to get some rock cured, as i dont trust my local store for squat.

Im thinking of going this route:
First, while in the apartment i get a 20gal, start up with saltwater, live rock, and sand. let things cycle through, get the basics of control of levels and such down while im waiting to finish out my lease.

when the lease is done, move onto step two, which is save up so once we get our new place of residency, be it a house or first floor apartment, get ourselves a bigger setup. 50to100 gal tank, all appropriate supplies and start cycling that tank through for a day or two before i drop in the rock i might start keeping tomorrow.

I dont want to throw in fish until we have a great base to grow from. I want to start out small, slow and work my way to larger quantities and better qualities.

Sorry for taking up so much time. Thanks for reading


Large Fish
Mar 31, 2009
welcome to my fish tank and thank you for the post its very detailed most people dont give so much detail and it is hard to help but ill post some help tomorrow my friend has had s/w tanks for about 12 years ill ask him to drop you a line.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I don't really know why you would start up a smaller tank just in anticipation to start a larger one. I'd go for the bigger one first cause after getting the small your gonna want the bigger one a lot. Also setting up a saltwater tank or cycling it at least is apparently easier than freshwater. I mean you could use a smaller tank to cure rock but you could do that in a bath tub most likely, and if I was you I'd be too tempted to set it up just as a nano SW tank and then still want a larger one.


Small Fish
Jun 10, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
Well i have my reasons not to go into a big tank first off... in 3 months i am having to move from a 2nd story apartment. im not sure if anyone has done this and successfully kept a saltwater tank setup. i mean, i am thinking that would take a considerable amount of time, and it might put stress on the once already established system, would it not?

I guess i will start out small with a 10 or 20 gal, start with sand, jets, heater, and rock and get the levels where it needs to be for the three months im here. a smaller tank that has some water removed for transport sounds better than completely disassembling a 50 or 70 gal setup and moving across town... once i move i can keep the already established small tank as a q-tank and start a large 50 gal or so...

But in all serious-ness, let me know. i am new to this thing, and i want it to be successful. let me know if my head is up my arse if you need to.


Small Fish
Jun 10, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
Alright. My wife and I found out what we are going to do tonight over dinner.

Although I thought about a 20gal setup with rock and fish would be ideal for the apartment, the LFS showed us their way of "moving" tanks. Now the whole reason I wanted to go 20 gal was the fact were moving soon. But after realizing I can break a small system down into a large heavy duty trash can (cost is cheap) and use battery operated pumps while moving it, I can go that route.

SO if you will kindly direct your attention to my new thread HERE.