Starting back up an aquarium. Any advice on stocking, etc.?

Jul 16, 2008
I'm new here and would like to start with a little background. Well I was never big into fish but did own a freshwater tank for about a year probably 6 years back. Then I started to get more involved after a dormant period of 2-3 years and had a 30G Saltwater aquarium for 2 years about two or so years ago..housed a clown, a few other small fish, some shrimp and various other crustaceans. I was very involved in the hobby until the inhabitants passed after a disease that swept the tank when I introduced a new fish, and just didn't have sufficient funds to start it back up so I packed it up and into the attic it went :(

Fast forward to now, as random as it sounds, a family member won a small fish at a nearby carnival at one of the small games. Still have not identified the fish but from previous knowledge I came to the conclusion it was at least a tropical freshwater fish and not a goldfish/betta..

Well to keep the fish alive I housed it in a 10G tank (where it still currently resides) and have since purchased 3 neon tetras to go along with it. I have a standard heater, keeping the tank around 76-81, a whisper filter and an "air curtain" for the background of the tank right now. Is their any other possible devices I should be aware of for a freshwater setup?

I now want to setup my 30G tank again and add more fish and just basically start up the hobby again. This time it will at least be cheaper :) (SW to FW). I am going on vacation for a week so will most likely wait before fully setting it up and adding anymore inhabitants. I am a big fan of tetras and do not want to purchase any large fish. I would love any advice on how some of you guys/gals may stock a 30G tank to get some ideas. Any recommendations on fish that house great with different schools of tetras? Right now I am planning to pickup 3-4 more Neons to bring the count to 6-7 (Will the 3 I currently own school with any new ones added?), see if I can find any Black Neon Tetras and pick up about 6 or so of them as well. If I can not find any of them I will find another type of tetra to school. Glofish seem really cool too although "hybrid" any experiences? Any recommendations for tank decor (should I venture into live plants?, probably a darker gravel for the tetras correct? Any advice on the type of substrate?)

I am just looking for any advice that can be given for the new 30G tank I plan to setup. I have a basic idea of what I am doing. I know it should definitely be easier than the SW setup I maintained. All help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to contributing to the boards in the future. Sorry for all the rambling..


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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Your current guys will school with the new ones you add, and I think black neon and normal neon tetras school together sometimes too. You'll also probably want some sort of bottom dwellers. Cory catfish or small loaches work well... both like to be in schools so you'd want at least 3-4 of them. If you want a centerpiece fish without getting something that gets too large, maybe a dwarf gourami or a female betta? They only get to around 2" and have a nice color and different behavior from tetras for some variety.

If you have the normal hood/light on the tank, you're pretty limited on what plants you can keep as most need better lighting. Java fern is a good one for low light setups, and doesn't require any kind of maintenance. There are other low light plants too. You can also go for a few real ones with some fake ones thrown in - they make very realistic silk plants. Even if you go for just a few live plants, as long as they're healthy they will help keep the water cleaner for the fish.

I like dark gravel or sand as a substrate. Sand looks very nice but is marginally more effort to maintain than gravel (you need to stir it up occasionally and it's slightly harder to vacuum poo off).