starting on a cichlid tank

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
First off, welcome to the tank.

This one is good :) If you have specifics you could try searching the forum with the search tool at the top or asking a question. is also a great one.

Maybe i can help? First let me ask you a few questions. :)

1. Have any idea of what type of cichlid you are interested in? African, South American (SA) or Central American (CA).

2. Any certain species?

Usually the bigger the tank the better it is for cichlids. They are pretty territorial and require some space. Unlike most community fish when stocking cichlids you must be careful of their aggression and eating habits. Its also not a good idea to mix Africans and SA/CA cichlids.

Overall i don't think cichlids are hard to keep if you provide them with enough room, good clean water, and the right well as the right tankmates.

HTH a little, and i hope you will come back and ask some questions. We have many cichlid folks on the board that i'm sure are more than willing to help. :)


Large Fish
Aug 5, 2004
My House
The light strips for fish tanks are supposed to have a breaker built into them to turn off if the go into water, I think. If you just bought it last week the lfs guy should remember you. So just the bulb broke right, not the actual light strip? If the bulb is fried how do you know that the light strip isn't also. If it's just the bulb they don't cost that much anyway.

Sep 21, 2004
Grand Blanc, MI
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It turned off when it fell in, its when I dried it and then tried to use it again that is smoked..he does remember me, I go there every week..that is why I breed my fish, I take them to him and I get a dollar an inch for africans and 50 cents for others (most others)..only the light, because the light strip still turns on the bulb, but the bulb about catches on fire..

I currently have a 20g community tank. I would like to make a slow transition to a cichlid tank so the tropical fish wouldnt be attacked. Eventually I plan to get a 55g and that would probably be better for cichlids. So if anyone has a tropical-cichlid compatibility chart of a chart for only cichlids that would be great


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2003
Houston, TX
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Some folks have had some limited success with putting yellow labs in with a community tank. I am not sure how well that would work- I guess it depends on how attached you are to your current fish. If you are willing to suffer some casualties, then live would be much easier.


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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That's what she's saying.
I agree with C- Man- I have limited knowledge of cichlids but those are about the only species I would dare try in a community tank. Apistos are beautiful- and from what I understand a decent beginner fish.