Starting out on my own!

Jul 7, 2011

So I'm the type that grew up with tons of aquariums around me. My father is a big aquarium guy! We've had 85gal salt water tanks and more. But now I'm starting on my own. My father passed down a 29gal to me and my family. My daughter is 2 and of course loves fish so we have set it up.

Originally I had purchased two dwarf gouramis because I had had them in the past. Then I found this place and sure enough a day or so later aggression started and they ended up split on either side of the aquarium. So I took them back and got a pair of Angels instead.

Now I have my Betta (who I am prepared to remove if he starts to get picked on but he was in there before any fish), a pleco (which I have no idea what type it is), and two angels. Is this plenty of fish? I debated getting something small to swim around too but I had a feeling that with two angels, pleco, and betta it was already a well stocked aquarium. If not, any suggestions?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
My concern would be the betta and angels and fin nipping. I am not sure who would do the "picking", both fish seem so serene, but either one can move pretty darn fast when in the mood. They are not called "Siamese Fighting Fish" with out a reason.

Feb 27, 2009
Now I have my Betta (who I am prepared to remove if he starts to get picked on but he was in there before any fish), a pleco (which I have no idea what type it is), and two angels.
Angels will likely outgrow your tank, and if they pair up and start laying eggs, they may become aggressive with any tankmates (especially when cramped for space). Can you post a pic of your pleco? Some stay small (4-5" max) while others get over 2ft in length.