Starting out


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2007
Have got a tank from a friend( have been told by tropicalfish that its a 29 gallon) so i am looking for some basic start up info on what i need to purchase to get going with fresh water fish can any one help??*thumbsups

Have no idea so all help is great,


Last edited:
Mar 2, 2007
well youll need ,a light, heater,filter (find right size for all), gravel, decorations, youll need tap water stuff to get rid of tap water or you can wait a week for it to go away, but wait for the tank to cycle. Good luck


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
Most Brand are going to be really Close as far as reliability. I would go with a Ebo Jager Heater. They are really awesome and Easy to set. I have 2 in my 75G tank. I would go with a 150 to 200 Watt heater for your tank. It should come with a light, if not get an All glass Canopy. The Aquacler Hang on Back (HOB) Filters are really good. I would buy it for one size bigger tank so you have the extra room for media and extra flow. Gravel is Gravel, just stay away from neon colors. They look good in the store but Everyday they arent so impressive. You are going to need some kind of Water treatment. Look around there are a lot of different brands out there they all will do the Same things. Which is getting heavy metal and Chlorine and chloramine out of the water. If you really want reccomendations just ask I know there are a lot people here that are willing to help.

That will get you started.

I almost for got the most important thing you need to have a freshwater tank...... Freshwater. :)



Large Fish
Mar 9, 2007
Thanks for all the advice....sorry i have not replied sooner it was my son's B/day over the weekend so it was all a bit mad, With regards to filters is there a good basic one that anyone can point out, iamcowboy i think that i will just go with fake plants for just now until i find my feet a bit more but thanks again, and last but not least cleaning is there anyone who can be arsed telling me the best way to do that?????

You guys do rock it has all been sound advice so far and a great help*celebrate cheers


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
I think it would help you a bunch to go over to the freshwater beginners forum and read the stickies. You'll get a feel for what you need and what to do with it once you get it. You'll begin to understand what all is involved in beginning fishkeeping. Cleaning is covered there too. If you can, get a Python, otherwise, you need a gravel vacuum. And, whatever you do, don't listen to the store people; they'll send you home with salt, ph-up, ph-down, stuff with aloe in it, who-knows-what-all! Ask us after going through the stickies, if you're told to get stuff not mentioned in them; it's probably a sales pitch for useless garbage.
I like Aqua Clear filters best. Any hang-over-the-back rated for more than 29 gallons will work. I would get one rated for forty to fifty gallons, personally.


Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
Little experience as I just set up my 10 gallon last month. Now have a 30 gallon with no one problem yet. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW, THIS IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT THEN OTHER GUIDES.
Step 1:
Fully set-up aquarium with everything. (ie. Heater, Filter, Gravel, Decorations.) No live plants at this time.
Wait a couple days (2-3). Then add your live plants, and chemicals.( ie. Aquaclear, PlantGro, Cycle.)
Step 2:
Once everything has been running for about 5-7 days, test your levels.(pH & Nitrates). If they are good to go.
Step 3:
Go out and purchase your fish add them into the aquarium slowly, follow the correct procedure. And then keep an eye on the levels of the aquarium. Make sure your water temp is around 74-78 degrees before adding fish. ( inlease they are guppies or goldfish.)
Step 4:
Continue to keep an eye on water temp. pH levels, and nitrate levels to make sure all is running good.
I did this and my aquarium is working out amazing. Haven't lost a fish yet. My plants are growing so fast. And it is a beautiful set-up.!
Good Luck*thumbsups


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
No offense, Jake, but if i was totally new to fishkeeping, your suggestions would really throw me off. They seem to contradict some of what's in the stickies and what I've learned from experienced keepers.


Large Fish
Feb 15, 2007
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , Canada
Yes, I know they do that is why I also put that you do not have to follow them but I have used them both times, I have set-up aquariums, and it works amazing. Like I said, not one fish die, get sick or anything it is up to your personal choice what to pick.:)