Starting Over

Jan 25, 2010
Orange Texas
Ok, so years ago, I had SEVERAL aquariums, all shapes and sizes and I was seriously addicted. Due to a messy divorce and subsequent ickiness, I lost all of my aquariums. I recently got a 10gal for Christmas, and got a few Tiger Barbs, Tetras and Mollies for starters. A few days ago, a friend gave me a 29gal. I have it all set up and it is cycling, I dropped in a common pleco and one of my Mollies for now, to help cycle the tank. Before, I had African Cichlids in my biggest tanks, but now I'm thinking I'm not sure I want to go that route. My new husband wants "bigger fish" and I like semi-active fish. Coloration of course is a factor, but not the deciding one. Any suggestions?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
well welcome back to the hobby and to MFT :) You could do a search for "dream tank" or "favorite fish" we seem to have quite a few of those threads where people talk about their favorite setups and for whatever reasons. For instance I have kept a lot of different fish and a few have special places for me that I'd like to keep harlequin rasboras. Teeny little guys but darn if they aren't active and cute and pretty when they are in a happy aquarium! I had several of them in a 5g with some ember tetras (who btw are awesome too) and it was great. I would totally do that tank again, they are small enough that they are suited to a smaller tank (like your 10??). Another favorite that I'd like to do again were the n.Brichardi a white cichlid, they are so pretty and breed like rabbits...not nice to other fish in the least so I would make it a species tank. Then as far as activity goes, I really like zebra danios....I think a crazy active fun tank would be a school of corys, a group of zebra danios and a group of tiger barbs :D Not overly colorful, but fun to watch. I think either of those last two would do well in the 29. Anything that gets bigger than 4 inches or so isn't really going to be happy in a 29, imo. So you should talk hubby into something like a 46 bowfront, gorgeous tank and he can have some bigger fish :) I love the big "puppy" fish like Oscars or Jack Dempseys...I have a JD in a 55 downstairs...kind of a runt, but still a pretty cool fish.

Jan 25, 2010
Orange Texas
In the 10 we have 3 tiger barbs and a tetra, so definitely more room in there....will look into the danios and corys you suggested! I don't want an oscar though, the very first tank I had I put an Oscar in and the thing was a destructive force to be reckoned with! He went through SEVERAL heaters and filters, constantly ramming them and breaking them. As far as going with a bigger tank, we'd LOVE to, but we live in a pretty small apartment, the 29 gal taking up over half of a wall, so that will have to wait until we are in a bigger place lol. Thanks for the suggestions, and I will start looking into the fish you suggested asap!