Starting up a 29g...I think???


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
So I have a 10g currently...o how MTS never really leaves you, huh???
10g: 1 female betta, 3 platys, 3 ghost shrimp

I miss my discus...but even a 40g is not an option right now ):

So was thinking something like...
Kuhliis <3
platys <3
Angel for the centerpeice? maybe a pair
GBR or apisto pair
Some sort of dither...

Then play with some java fern/moss, anarchris, some easy stuffs that are low main.

May keep up the 10g for my daughters room for her, she enjoys them, but well see :)

What you think?

Than getting a wire stand and throwing a 20L below :) maybe.


Superstar Fish
So far all is good, my four clowns and the chromis's all swim and hang together. I am prepared to start another SW tank if I must. I have not had much luck with finding a good host. I have gotten two anemones and both have fallen victim to the water intake ports. I have bought some large tube screens that I am going to install this week and am going to try the host anemone thing again. I also switch a few pieces of live rock around each week from my copod/pod breeding tank. So this might help as well. It keeps my Coral Beauty busy that's for sure. I am also running an ATS so I am able to feed very heavy.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
mine hosts to a fuzzy mushroom :) and used to to a torch. anenomes have noplace is the SW tanks I have set up. Too many expensive corals they could hurt...not a chromis fan. they can get nasty.

then again I kept multiple male bettas together just fine and a fire eel with discus when people said no, so rules can be bent, just need to change something when they start going at it.


Superstar Fish
I thought about a mushroom and they are much cheaper. It is very possible to bend the rules a little if you know the personality of the fish and you have and past experience. In my African tank I move those plastic pvc fittings when they get feisty, this seems to work great. In my SW I am always changing out a few pieces of live rock weekly from my pod breeding tank so its alway changed up and keeps them occupied and happy. But there has been sometimes when I have completely failed, LOL, and had to seperate.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
if you have a fish club local you should see if anyones got saltwater and can just cut a mushroom for you. i dont mess with he SW tanks anymore, my dad took over them, or else id send you a couple frags.