Starting up again


Small Fish
Jun 23, 2004
Visit site
Hi all:

my beta just died last night, he had a fungus.

i will get a new one in a day or so. i'd like some advice.

i kept my beta in a 2.5 gallon tank, with a filter (turned on low, blowing 1 bubble every 3 seconds). i have a small plastic plant, and some rocks, and just purchased a heater.

i am assuming that the tank carries the fungus still.

anyway, i would like to get a bigger tank, with a light.

what else should i get for my future friends new home?

what is the best way to transfer him from those little cups they are kept in in the store to the tank?

what other advice can people give to introduce him to his new home, and keep him healthy? (ps - which is preferable - a male or female?)

whats the best way to pick a beta from the store?


Aug 23, 2003
Granada Hills, Ca.
Sorry, didn't see it.

Walmart carries a 10 gallon starter set. It comes with hood, 10 gal., and a filter. It's great for a betta. They might have 5 1/2 gal. ones, too, but I think they stopped making these.

You should try getting one of those little spiraly flourescent bulbs that can screw into incandescent fixtures. This will provide enough light for live plants, which look better.

Just float the cup in the tank for about half an hour, add some of the tank water into the cup, then release him.

Clean the tank weekly. That is, vacuum the gravel. It'll use suction to suck out the crap along with some water. Refill the tank with dechorinated water.

Male... female... it depends on your preference. Can't keep two in the same tank though. Might be able to put some females together, but they may still fight.

Sorry if this is too late. BTW, I think the 10 gal starter is $30.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Its hard to get around to all of the new posts...might I suggest reading around in the betta forum to see if you can find answers to any of your questions? Also...when you post questions, more people will see them if you put them in the freshwater beginner forum...when its in this forum everyone assumes its a "Hi I'm a new poster" introduction...and not usually questions. Sorry I didn't see you earlier.

I have a male betta, he is pretty happy in his little 1G home...but I know a lot of people like to put bettas in larger tanks.

What size/type of tank and equipment (filter, lighting, heater etc) you get are totally by your preference. Assuming this is for a betta then I would go with a UGF (undergravel filter) which is the cheapest kind...and also creates less current than other filters, which suits bettas. Since pet store bettas are used to being in cups dont really have strong swimming muscles and their flowing fins really weigh them down for awhile.