Starve to DEATH?


Medium Fish
Aug 8, 2005
I have had my Fire Eel for about 2 months or so now and all is great. She is a very picky eater and has only eaten cocktail shrimp, night crawlers and frozen gumdrop bloodworms. We started out feeding her the bloodworms and then i treated her to shrimp cocktail one day and she hasn't eaten thebloodworms since. Well the shrimp are very expensive and we decided to try night crawlers. LOVED them. Well I am trying to give her variety so I have decided that we will try bloodworms, beefheart and shrimp brine. I have put a little of each in the tank each night and she has refused to eat anything. I have noticed that she is turning upside down while she is in her cave and when I tap on the top of the tank she flips back over and swims up to the top to greet me. Will she eventually eat this stuff or will she strike until she dies of starvation? HELP....really confused?!?!?!?:confused:


Small Fish
Jul 23, 2005
most likely, it will wait until it is really, really hungry, then itll eat. it seems that most fish can learn to adapt a certain diet. if you keep feeding it the same thing, it will learn to eat it when it becomes really hungry. when i first got my gar, it took about two weeks for me to get him to eat. i tried everything the first two weeks, then finally one day i dropped a frozen shrimp in(which i tried before) and it took no longer than a second for it to notice it and devour it. Now my gar only eats the frozen shrimp, but sometimes if i dont feed it for a couple days, it will go for some cichlid pellets that i give to my oscar and green terror, but it wont actually swallow it, it will bite at it and i guess it doesnt like the taste so he goes away.
keep at it, i dont think it will let itself starve,


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
Yes, all fish can be very funny when it comes to food...I had a huge Pacu that if it was upset for any reason it would "pout" by laying sideways on the gravel and refused to eat...and boy could it put down the food. I was starting to really get concerned when 2 weeks went by and still no eatting. Then one day I guess he figured he had had enough starving and pouting and started eatting again like nothing was ever wrong LOL boy, and we worry about them like we do any of our pets.