Stealthy wet/dry trickle filters?

Jan 4, 2010
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to aquariums, I had a few fish as a [smaller] kid, but I've decided to build my own tank as a project.

I've already completed the tank, but I didn't really leave myself room for a large hang on back filter- I had to get the smallest one I could find, and I'm not sure it'll be sufficient for m 5 gallon tank (the filter is 3.5" wide >.<).

I was researching filters, and it seems like the wet/dry filters are the best bet- but I'm not sure if it'll be overkill for me. I just want to keep a few ottos/guppies/tetras/danios- haven't decided yet. Anyway, I was going to build my own, I'm pretty handy, but it sounds like these things are going to be pretty noisy..

So my two questions are:
  1. How loud are trickle filters? and;
  2. Do they smell? (Can I keep it in my dorm room without my intolerant roommate killing me)



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
you want all that in a 5 gal tank? no filter can compensate for overstocking. I'd say you can have either one oto and one guppy or two guppies in that tank...
not much options when you have a small 5 gal sorry :(

And a wet/dry filter for a 5 gal is indeed overkill. any filter, even a DIY sponge filter could take care of the 5 gal.

Jan 4, 2010
Nooo, haha, what i meant was a few ottos, or guppies, or tetras, or danios. Probably tops 3 or 4 fish, eh?

My goal is to have really, really clear water, because, as the tank is part of a larger project, one must be able to view through the tank, to what is behind. I also understand that biological filtering is important, and I didn't think my HOB waterfall filter would do that...or does it?

Edit: it might be useful to mention that it's a disproportionately tall tank, only 90 in^2 on the top.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
every filter that has any sort of floss or sponge element to it and water running through that element will have biological filtration.

3-4 fish is pushing it. Count danios out because they need a lot more space.
Now let me run your plans through something and get back to you.
what filter are you planning on running there? I'd recommend aquaclear 20.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
looks like 5 green neon tetra will fit in there...make sure they are GREEN not regular. regulars get too big. you can probably have an oto in there too if you really like them...

Instead you can keep 4 endler guppies in there with an oto...

or you can get 4-5 celestial danios (so i take back about the danios)

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Jan 4, 2010
Aww, ok. I kinda wanted some longfin zebra danios, but that's ok.

I'm using the "Red Sea Deco Art Nano Filter," I have a 4" wide space to put the filter in >.<
It uses similar media, though. You think that'll be OK?

I mostly wanted the oto to take care of algae- I don't think they're spectacularly amazing or anything, just...they'll keep my tank clean, apparently =)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
You don't think otos are spectacularly amazing?!?! :O They're adorable!! So fast and such busy-bodies. Now that I have guppies, I think it's safe to say that otos are the guppies of the algae eater world...constantly busy and fast little buggers. :p

Jan 4, 2010
Oh, well, I never really paid attention the last time i was at the pet shop- but from the pics they don't look as sparkly as the neon tetras, or as beautiful as the bettas. Sorry, I think they look kinda plain. Sounds like they act a lot cooler than the others...

Newman: how are you making those calculations? I might want to mix/match and I don't want to hafta bug you or other forum members about it =p
Speaking of bettas, is one out of the question, if i want more than just one fish in my tank? Haha..


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
If you do a betta in the 5gal you could get away with one, *maybe* two otos, but nothing else. Most male bettas get to be about 3-4" long (including their fins) and if you go by the "one inch of fish per gallon of water" rule, you'll reach your limit pretty quickly. I have my older male crowntail betta (he's the one on the left side of the pic in my sig) in a Hex5 and he loves it. How deep is your tank again (didn't quite understand the measurement you gave above)?
This is Al (my CT) in his Hex5 (I changed out the gravel 'cuz the white was a PITA and the decorations are different, but that'll give you an idea of how big a male betta looks in a 5gal...and he's actually grown about an inch, mostly in fin length, since that pic was taken at the beginning of last year...he's about 4" now, including his fins):

Otos may not be the prettiest fish on the block, but they more than make up for it with personality. I have one female that I've had since March or April and she's missing an eye, but she's still queen of the tank.

Jan 4, 2010
Right on, thanks! I feel like this thread has drifted away from it's topic >.<
I'll just ask the people at the pet shop-we've got a local one here that's supposed to be really good for fish. Much wider selection than petco and petsmart and all =) They can probably help me pick out a proper amount/combination of fish.

The tank is kind of oddly shaped, it's an L shape. 14" tall, and 90 in^2 on the bottom. (18" wide, for 14" it's 3" deep, and for the last 4", it's 12" deep). I'd planned on getting small fish- so it might be too small for a betta. But I see them in those tiny little tubs at the pet store, and I feel so sorry for them!


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
the program i use is called AqAdvisor. its very respected on this forum:
AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor
Along with MOA's spreadsheet (you'll have to search the posts for that one because i don't have that bookmarked sorry :[)

DO NOT go by what your LFS will say because they will sell you a red tailed shark or a goldfish or something >_< or worse 3 baby common plecos x_x
It's best to ask for fish combos on forums like these and then research the suggestions you get :)