I have 3 sterba Cory's in a 50 gal tank...the male cory seems to be getting lighter in color than the other 2. I noticed this going on for about the last 6 mos. He still eats and swims a lot...the cory have been trying to mate.
Water is fine. I have had these fish about 9 years...Is this normal sign of aging???
ammonia 0
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
ph 7.4
20% water change weekly.
They share a tank with 12 neons, 6 silver tip tetra, 3 panda cory, and 6 gold dust mollies.
Water is fine. I have had these fish about 9 years...Is this normal sign of aging???
ammonia 0
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
ph 7.4
20% water change weekly.
They share a tank with 12 neons, 6 silver tip tetra, 3 panda cory, and 6 gold dust mollies.