Still here!

Mar 11, 2003
Okay guys, I AM still here, lol! I have been so busy with moving and everything that I haven't had any time to come on That being said, I don't have much to update on.

I am going to spawn my red HM male to my cambo female sometime soon. However, all but 2 of my bettas are at our old house. I have to get some aquariums set up over here to move them too first.

Stella, the bitter little female that she is, snuck into my royal blue male's compartment in the divided tank and killed him. He had NO fins left at all and was just a body when I found him the next day. I highly doubt I will ever try to spawn her again, so she will just have to be a "pet" betta since she is sooooo aggressive. I am so upset because now I have a royal blue female with no blue male to pair her with and I am convinced that my marble male is gay.

So, thats whats been happening with my life! Sorry I haven't been on much at all.


dernn that evil female! well, i just found out (well a few days ago) that another "female" i bought is a male. it acts like a girl though, with its vertical stipes and its i dont flare at male attitude...never going back to that store to get girls again! at least i have 2 more beautiful guys...well, now i have 3 males and 1 girl, poor only girl...i think i need to buy another one but now petsmart have these anorexic (can't spell...) looking females! they dont have that large body like normal females, they have tiny bodies, almost looking like a deranged betta pugnax...

lol, when i get new bettas from a store (one which i will not name) they have some (or a lot) of short finned males, so they get misplaced under girls. i bought some, they didnt flare at any guys AT ALL, untill one day it began blowing a nest, then it began flaring at guys. guess there still developping those dernn hormones...