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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
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You're going to have to find out exactly what they are for a correct answer to this - they may even be South American Cichlids (different conditions needed).

A ballpark temperature would be 78 - ph between 7.4 and 8.0. This would not be correct for ALL Cichlids - just "most".

Digital pics posted here is favorite for ID, if that's not possible, then a detailed description would be a starting point.

Hold on the Coral - brackish water can kill if it's not appropriate.

Did you get any info on how to keep them when you got them? (usualy a good idea).


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Adding coral doesn't make a tank brackish, it's often used as substrate (crushed to gravel or sand) to buffer the water against reductions in hardness and pH.

Purple's right - you must get specific information about your fish before the right conditions can be recommended. West African riverine cichlids would require different conditions to those from the Rift Lakes, this before you even consider that they might be from another continent.

Great name, fishtank, how did you come up with that?
;-) just teasing mate!!

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Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Are you talking about live coral or using crushed coral as your subtrate?

Also, are you going for a brackish tank using africans? Are you even going for a brackish tank? As far as I know, africans are freshwater fish with higher pH requirements. I wasn't aware that africans could be kept in brackish conditions.

Could you provide a little more info on what your goals are? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? hehe ;) Seriously, I think people would be able to answer your questions better if you provided some more info.