Still no Coralline....

Okay, so I waited awhile to ask this question, hoping that the problem would correct itself...

After more than 6 months, and ZERO problems otherwise, I have not seen any coralline algae, and have even lost a bunch from anything I threw in there which had it already. MAG, CAL, and ALK all test perfect (last test they were a little high, but if anything that should help!)

I have no clue what is going on. No phosphate problems for at least 3 months now since I started using all RO/DI water from my LFS, and all my corals are doing fantastic, growing like crazy.

Any ideas? I might switch to a liquid calcium, but I really don't see how that would make a difference since the powdered I am using now is keeping the levels up.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
ahhh you will get it it is impossible almost not to. Do you know anyone who has some in their tank as you could scrape some from their tank and put it in yours....this sometimes helps. I would gladly give you all that grows on my overflows and pumps etc....and the front glass

Lorna, what gets me is that I've tried seeding and actually LOST what I seeded with. A friend send me a bunch of crushed up shells covered with coralline in a few different colors from his well-established tank, and it pretty much died. Plus, anything that was on any of the frags I've purchased has died also. But every frag I've bought is thriving, even a Ricordia I bought has almost doubled in size in only about 3 weeks.