Still setting up

Apr 12, 2006
I am new to the hobby and currrently just started stocking with 6 tiger barbs and 4 albino cory cats in a 55gal, its been about 2 months, doesnt include the month of fishless cycling.... I've been reading up and was thinking about giving my tiger barbs away (if I have to, but not sure), keeping the cory cats and adding these fish to the tank, not all at once of course.... Please tell me what you think.

1 Elephant nose
1 Rainbow shark
4 glass cats
some angels

Not sure if all the fish mentioned are compatible though, thats the problem, any opinions on this would be great. I really want the angels and elephant nose though, so not sure what else I could get or add.


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
From what i've heard the tiger barbs prolly wouldn't be a good idea if you wanted the angels...but i'm just speaking from research not experience. Hopefully someone else will chime in :)

Tiger Barbs + Angels = Finless Angels. :D

Also, you may want to reconsider the rainbow shark. They can be quite aggressive, with tendencies to 'bully'. On the other hand, they can also be a good community fish with the right tank mates.

I have four glass cats myself, and I love 'em. One thing about them...they require shelter (they love hiding in the plants) and water movement. I have two cannister filters and three bubblers in my 75g and they seem to like that just fine, though I have a small powerhead that I've been meaning to hook up to create some current.

I don't know much about the elephant fact, if you know where I can find some info on it, I'd be appreciative. :)

Oh, and if you do decide to go with the angels (and likely discarding the barbs), be sure to add all your angels in together. I lost my favourite angel by not doing that.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I would not put an elephant with a rainbow shark...if you want the elephant nose it would be best to do a TON of research and set the tank up around that fish as it is the most sensitive and hard to keep fish in your group. You might want to check out this thread:

I'd think the angels in the tank with the elephant would they occupy different levels of the tank etc