Stingray loach?


Superstar Fish
Feb 13, 2007
Central Illinois
I am stocking a 29gal and want to add snails but i have a few questions first.My stocking plan is going to be something like this i hope:10 guppies, snails, some ghost shrimp, and some type of loachs. I am wanting to add stingray loaches since they only get 3in big, but im not sure if they will eat the snails? If they dont, then how many yoyo loaches should i add, because i like them too. Sorry for so many questions,oops one more.Will they eat the shrimp?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
sidthemunki loaches stay less than 1.5 inches long and will devour all snails... but if the fish eats snails it will more than likely eat ghost shrimps also so beware.

With the guppies beware of baby fry they pop out like dandelions, everywhere you don't want them. I had two yo yo in my 29 gallon tank, but one didn't make it. My tank is highly stocked as i used to be heavly planted till i ripped them all out. Now i am moving into 60 gallon to give them all room. But my yo yo hasn't grown to much due to the community being packed i think. I would go with sids if you can afford them they are pricey.

10 guppies will give you crap loads of baby fry, how many stingray loaches you planning?

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
my kuhli don't eat snails, they are a year old and still small, long but skinny. Sid's are hard to find as they just recently figured how to breed or something like that, they are pricey because they are short in stock and high in demand, my LFS has one tank with a lot but they have had them for almost three months now, i was gonna get about six of them but i no longer have planted tank. As far as snails with loaches my rule of thumb is a botia loach will devour snails, hillstream loaches will leave alone (certain exceptsions i am sure)