Stitch and Kane

I saw the beautiful pictures of UB and I decided to do a little show and tell of my own. . .

I'd like to introduce Stitch. . . .
Sorry its a little blurry still learning how to use tihs new digital camera of mine.

The only picture I managed to get of Kane doesn't show his true colors but I'll be able to get a better one soon

Kane had a little mishap when I was cleaning to 10gal. I put him in a cup and when my back was turned he hopped out and landed on the carpet. I don't know how long he was there before I noticed him but he was a little shook up and I put him in the 2.5 gal with the divider and he kind of sat there for a bit but now he seems okay hes swimming around and flaring up when Stitch gets to close to the divider. So I think hes gonna be okay *thumbsup2

That had me scared for a while. . . whew!