Stock help

Feb 27, 2010
Okay well I pretty much came up with my stock and plants. Lemme know what u guys think.

Tiger Barb - Normal - 7
Green - 10
Albino - 6
Siamese Flying fox - 3
Moonlight Gourami - 2 (Pair)

About what size tank would I need btw? I'm willing to go up to 55 gallons. If that is too many fish mind adjusting the numbers for me? Also would my Siamese flying fox take the role of a bottom feeder or should I get a loach for that.

Limnophila sessiliflora Background
Pellia on any rock work i might have
Ricca Floating
Eleocharis acicularis foreground
Nymphaea lotus mid ground and floating.
Vallineria spiralis coming through driftwood in the center of the tank.