Stock my Bloody 2.5 for me :) lol


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
Hmm interesting idea i had while lying on my bed drawing up diagrams for a nuclear explosive. Dint really know what to put in the 2.5 gallon tank after i breed the platies. So i leave it in ur hands, sorta like a competition ballet thing.

The tank is planted and we'll i will consider it heavily planted for a tank that size, so....

i want it packed with fish, not saying everything including the blue whale but like little mroe than the edge :)

couple tips too,

ive had neons and rasboros in my mind, so u might work that in to ur scheme.

i dont want nuthing exotic, like somewhat normal but snazzy so to speak, something i could easily find at a petsmart if that helps

*************no livebearers*********

well i hope this is fun for you guys, enjoy planning my tank. Goodluck, to all :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Here's my thinking...

Use onyx sand for the substrate. Good stuff for plants, AZOO and whisper both make filters appropriate for 5g or less tanks... Use one of those, with DIY CO2 fed to it of course.

Heh, I'm gonna get beaten over this; but here's my stocking thoughts.

3 Pygmy cories (Get em SMALL - if they do outgrow the tank - you can find them a new home)
4 Amano Shrimp
4 Red Cherry Shrimp (these can be hard to find - tho I hear they show up at petsmart)
2 Ottos
Then pick 1 , dwarf honey gourami, a nice betta, or a nice guppy.

Now before you ream me out for the overstocking, let me explain, I don't count cleanup crews against the 'bioload' of the tank (Pleco's do count tho), since they do more good than harm (My opinion) The 3 pygmy cories stay small (less than 1" usually - some sites claim different) which yes might be a bit much, but not overly if its a nicely planted tank, shouldn't be an issue. Then one 1" centerpiece. My choice would be the honey gourami as they stay small and are very active - and the yellow/red color is awesome.

Thus you get splashes of color, a effective cleanup crew - lots of activity for such a small tank.

FWIW I have setup a tank like this (3g eclipse) and its probably the lowest maintenance tank around. Except it requires daily KNO3 to keep the BBA down.



Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
i got a whisper mini in there, and im using Flourish Excel for a carbon source, onyx sand ive been thinking bout but dont think i really need it, and i too dont count cleanup crews in the total, i like the shrimp thing, but i dunno if i can find either, maybe ghost shrimp. Nice work AndyL

Also i dont like frogs


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Originally posted by Jawz
i got a whisper mini in there, and im using Flourish Excel for a carbon source, onyx sand ive been thinking bout but dont think i really need it, and i too dont count cleanup crews in the total, i like the shrimp thing, but i dunno if i can find either, maybe ghost shrimp. Nice work AndyL

Also i dont like frogs
I like the looks of Onyx Sand, my substrate of choice... And the fact that it provides nutrients to root-feeders makes it even better!

You should be able to find the shrimp locally (maybe not the red-cherry they're a newer species) But you could get them from I wouldn't do ghost shrimp - they aren't really beneficial to the tank (in terms of algae consumption) Tho they are a scavenger, but then the cories are redundant...



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I'd go for a very dark substrate, and then fill the tank with tetras.
I'd get a mixture of them...say 2 or 3 each of Cardinal, black neon tetra, glo light tetra.
Lots of different colours and interest, but they'll almost certainly school together and look awesome.

If you need a clean up crew I'd get a couple of pigmy cories and ottos.

I'm not too sure of American gallons etc, but if you have room the stunning diamond tetra would make a good contrast to the smaller tetras....flowing violet translucent fins and glittering sparking colourful body. I love them :)

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