stocking 10G- any ideas?


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
i have never kept freshwater species (platys mollies etc.). I'm a cichlid girl all the way and i need some help with choosing a fish list. I wanted a bit of a mix for my 10G. I had initially thought platys (mollies get too big) or guppies. One problem ive got though is that i have an internal Eheim filter, which will undoubtedly suck any fry that appear. (i dont terribly mind though) i suppose i could use some stocking material around the filter. Does that work?

Anyway the fish im interested in are:

Siamese fighting male
Angel Fish

Could you guys tell me which would go well together? As far as ive read, the water parameters are all pretty similar so physically they could go together. But im probably looking at a ratio of 3, then 1 and then another 2. How would 3 platys, one siamese fighter and 2 gourami be? Any suggestions or help is welcome, and please tell me if my desired species are terrible choices for whatever reasons. Cheers! (just for the record, i despise neons.) *BOUNCINGS


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I wouldn't get more than one male gourami... they tend to fight (they are related to bettas). A male and female gourami or 2 females would be okay, though. Ditto a gourami and a betta, although a female betta would probably be fine. Females are less aggressive and usually leave other fish alone-but it depends a little on the individual female.

A gourami and platies or guppies would be fine. Make sure it's a dwarf gourami-otherwise it'll get too big, plus the larger gouramis tend to be aggressive. Cories are good too, just make sure to get at least 2 (social little catfish).

Sep 11, 2005
ice said:
which will undoubtedly suck any fry that appear. (i dont terribly mind though) i suppose i could use some stocking material around the filter. Does that work?

Wait, are you saying that you don't mind if the filter sucks the fry, or that you don't mind putting stocking material around the filter? I sure hope it's the latter.

Sep 16, 2005
there is a chance that the siamese fighter and the gouramis will not tolerate each other's company. he may also bully guppies (they mistake their long pretty tails for a fellow betta). all three species are great fish to have, but not necessarily in the same tank.

you could try a female betta.. they are generally less aggressive. my boyfriend currently keeps one in his tank with a blue gourami, no problem. don't know how she would react to guppies, though.

cory cats are also a good choice in my book. they are very peaceful toward other fish and a lot of fun to watch.


Small Fish
Nov 27, 2005
ok guys. thats all great info thanks. Ive made a bit more of a decision now. I currently have 3 platys (2m and 1f). I want to get a betta male tomorrow and 2 more female platys. Do you reckon that'd be ok? The tank has 6 plants. 3 small shrubby ones, 1 vallisneria and 2 lilly lokking plants (they are water plants but the leaves look like arum lillies'). So is that ok?

5 Platys. 2M 3F
1 male betta