Stocking 20gal High


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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Hi everyone,

As some of you may know, I was able to speed up the cycle in my 20g with the help of my little friend called Bio-Spira. I already have 7 zebra danios and 1 rosy red. I was thinking of getting 5 or 6 tiger barbs and 5 or 6 corys. Would this be too many fish for a 20g high? What would you recommend from each species?

Or, does anyone else have any other ideas for stocking my tank? I have also been considering a couple of convicts instead of the above. Just some thoughts...


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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You could get an angelfish, and with cories they'll be great. But leave out the tiger barbs if you decide to go with the angels. Tiger barbs can be nippy and the long fins of the angel will be too much temptation.
Don't forget your stocking levels too. With 7 danios and a rosy red already in the tank, you will be limited to how many more fish you can add.

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